Daily National Journal from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Journali

Washington, District of Columbia

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i S' VOLUME III No SATURDAY JANUARY 27 127 COUNTRY AM OUR RIENDS for NEW PRINTING OICE' PISHEY THOMPSON Sc PANACEA pt AMERICAN WATER COLOURS PISHEY THOMPSON has constantly on sale Superfine American Water Colours in JEWETT TESTIMONIALS o'i Sa lleber ig il Oct 3 Adir ii Sept 23 on the TO MEDICAL STUDENTS JAMES GREEN Cabivst Maker Ims openeda ARNY Snuulard and 101 i Atg 00 oO $16 13 Pearl Sago Bermuda Arrow Root Rose Peppermint Ipecacuanha Coltsfoot Horehound Tolur and Lo zenges Artificial Teats ilver shields for do resh Saratoga Water Chinese Musk Eniolimit sria Do Do do do Good's Study of Medicine new Edition Wistat 's Anatomy do with ad Phannacdogia and on Diet on the shortest ucdcc Oct 19 fe HINES 1st Ward JOHN McCUTCHEN 2d Ward MAURO 3d Ward GUNNELL 4th Ward CLEMENT COO 5th War 1 EDW SIMMES 6th Ward 4 labored nndr most violent roughsides and brensw for long tun1 "iially appeared Ik fine inc 'ion the eiu vf acouirinr a proiunu go At his Drug and Medical Htnre opposite Ho tel has for sale an extensive assortment of frerii Drugs and Medicines Paints Oils Dyestuffs and Window Glass of all sizes on liberal terms Also l(X0 gallon of winter mid sum mer Sperm Oil of a superior quality Ort COUGH DROPS on INDIAN SPECIIC 8 OR the cure of Coughs Colds and approach THE subscribers having purchased the Drug and Medical csta'di hment of Mr (1 homas Webb it! conduct the business in fu tore under the firm of TODD fe Co Par tieular attention ill be paid to physic inn pre scriptiohs and all medicines pct up for fami lies carefully labelled and warranted of the best quality An additional supply of fresh Drugs and Medicine daily expected Apply th Mr: I COTTON SHIRTINGS rAMLS OUNG Capitol Hill has just receiv by the sloop Harmony five cases DoinesticShirting Cottons manufactured at the Atkwright Mills of James Rliode Island which will be sold by the case at (he factory prices nov 3tw5w 10 illar and claw and piiii aid do and Secretaries and Book cases P' Wo: Stands came du PUBLISHED DAILY BY PETER ORCE Price forayear S10 00 or six months1" 6 00 tn crdrance The National Journal published thrice a week er annum Advertisem*nts inserted oh the usual terms notice: WE the subscribers according with a suggestion in the National Intelligencer a few days since invite all persons who find strayed Infants in the streets to bring them to our Stores were we pledge ourselves to detain them and treat them kindly until they may be called for by their friends WEEKLY PAPER COLVIN having bac under the neces ty of suspending the publication of her Week ly in 1822 now proposes to issue the first number of its continuation as soon as it has been ascer tained that sufficient patronage will be afibided tqdefray the expenses of the work The title is already known to be Mrs A Weekly Mkssiincrr The cheering reception which it met with units late publication from the many respectable Journals in the United States ind the substantial aid it has already recei ved give the Editor reason to hope that she will not only meet with further protection and courtesy from Editors but with support from the public generally It will contain four pages quarto and be delivered to subscribers every Saturday at the price of fjjur dollars per annum payable quarterly in advance Its contents will be as heretofore chiefly literarv but there will such notices of other matters of news of fashions of taste of marriages and of deaths as to tender it a vehicle of general int 'iest and amusem*nt The inhabitants of the District of Columbia will be wait ed upon in a few days for the purpose of obtaining their signatures Subscriptions will he received at the Bookstores in Wash i'tgton Persons residing at a disttnee tnnv forwnrdtheir subscriptions to the Editor post ond Washington City June 15 It2aw4w palette chalks crayons pencils carmine gall stone mari ner lane eye ana colours ice with 2 1 colours with 13 and 12 Aho Separate Colours Hair and lead Pencils esc The above colours are highly recommended by Titian Peale Thomas Sully and other eminent Aniencan artists ami were Judged by the ranklin Institute of Pennsylvania to be of a superior quality rivalling the best productions of Nov GOOD AND SOBER WORKMEN WANTED SUCH as understand their business Gtnimnk ers Bell bangers Lockmakms Cutlers and Brass founders No others need apply Three or four boys if well recommpnded will be receive! apprentices to the Lock Belbhangimr am! Gunmaking business Apply ZURLINDEN'S Bell Lcck uj? 15 Mahogany Chairs the most modern stylo iflada 'l tv order ut tlc 1 'v York prints a fiix iuv name wriiU'ii th fiaudiden Iv copy alftny printed bibs of dirrcnuns It tiers a id (in Vn Dec of my i opy rigiu) to my wriiteti name be forgery Jfyoti iy attend io the ab ve test you will the enutperfeits and irffiradtni out rd market ami secure to your cvry symptom of consumption a complete cure by using hi Indian Specific in a very short time and ii is now one year and no return and contmues well and heaithv ci and subscribed to Stqit 99 1323 urn or affirmed to their respective statements dales to each respectively annexed before me In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed mv hand am! seed 4ih day of ebruarv 1 8 in the citv of LamwiMer SAMUEL DALE Dr CLARKSON REEMAN of Laneaster respectfully inform the Public th NONE ARE GENUINE WITH OUT HIS SIGNATURE A base composition his been at tempted to be imposed on the public by a coumerit it imitation of his valuable medicine LT The above Drops are for sale by subscriber (the only agent for (his city abhi Genuine Drug Medicine Store corner of Ninth street and Pennsylvania Avenue WM Spt 27 Post Office Department i November291 1826 PROPOSALS Will be received at the PosbOic Departinent until the 1st of March nextfot the transportation of the Mail on horse back ones in two weeks froiu Telfair Conrt Housej and Whg Cotirt IIouje Georgia by Ware Coart Of AV aresbornngh Lowndes Court House Thomas Conn House and Tallahassee The distance is supposed to the will be stfnt soiles a day a Nov SO WASHINGTON BREW ERY fpHE Subscribers having at the corninencenvnt of the present mouth tuncn the above establishment of Mr Clement 1 Coote announce to his late customers their own friends and the public in general that the busi ness is now carrying on by them under the firm of 1 GUNION anil that they will at all times be prepared to furnish Porter Ale and strong and table Beer of the best quality to families Tavern keepers and others whose patro nage they respectfully solicit It being the wish of the subscrilrers to have no accounts opened against them all articles purchased for the concern will be paid for on delivery uni ss contracted fur upon other terms by one of the firm The highest cash price will be given for five thousand bushels of good barley Oct fit GUNTON I he Editor of the Richmond Enquirer and Boston Pa triot are requested to inserfcthe abave six limes and charge the exp nse to this office BOARDING HOUSE ARGUELLES respectfully informs the Members of Congress and strangers visiting the City of Washington that she continues to occupy the verv convenient and pleasantly situated house fronting on the Pennsylvania Avenue street and (he Centre Market ispace Her rooms and accommodations will be found in the most elegant and comfortable style and everv effort will be made to render the situation of her friends agreea ble A private table is always kept for transient and yearly boarders Dec LOST ESTERDAY from a wagon giettf4ed! jL Centre Market and Georgetown a bale of uinvMic conou a bout 90 lbs weight and worth per yitd 10 cei It wa marked Nicholls rd con icgned to Clark Millnr Georgetown Whoever Wil eliver it to either of the abovrf nr leave information a to masters and servants to husbands and wives: to which a re added dialogues and a number of praveis for private and family devotion 1 vol bound 00 ot A wnon! 1 i ii i aipiat tut cwauiug wuhi a ncucai anucess forthe benefitof Che Bostoq Bard and the Triumph ot a poern 8vo 50 Third Voyage Anatomy Everett's and Eulogies on Adams and Jefferson Reports Vol XI price $6 00 Adventures ofa rench Sergeant Atlantic Souvenir in elegant binding in boards The Annual Pocket Remembrancar for laz un sale by novi BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT CROMWELL next door to Wilsons Hat Cap store a few doors east of Row continues to manufacture and keep on hand an assortment of Boots Shoes of the best materials viz Boots Monroes Shoes over shoes Slippers Stuff morocco leather Boots Walking shoes Slippers Misses Si Childrens do do do returns thanks for the liberal encouragement he has met with hitherto and assures th public that his exertions will be increased to merit its continuance our or five journeymen good workmen wanted iinme diately as above Nov 30 3tdeo6t HUSSEY HAIR DRESSER has removed to the south side of Ilin Market Hous? Capitol Hill next door to Mr S'ore offers bis services lo the I vlies and gen tlemen of the ci of Washington in the line of Ins profes sion He cuts and gentlem hair in the newest Pn ftsian He ahb will attend Indies at their residence to dress them for assemblies fee adapting the mode of hn coiffure 0 the form of the face that they caimor fail of be ing attractive He sets razors in the be manner and shave as usual with excellent rainrs He acknowledges with ga pas: favors and hopes by his prompl itud a and assidui ty to merit the patronage of an enligluened public His moi io is il Nil Professing the art of fencing hr will continue teaching this useful mid graceful art Most re spectable references ran be adduced of the rapid proficiency bf the pupils he has had den I Post Office Department 21 si November 1826 PROPOSALS will be received at this Depart ment until tliH 21st of ebruary next for the transportation of the Mail once in ttfo weeks be DICTIONARY Dictionary of the English Language to which is added a copious vocabulary of Greek Latin' and Scriptmal proper names divided into syllables and acc nhiaf for pronunciation by Rees A I vol bound pricetil A GENERAL PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY show ing at one vi the orthography accentuation explanation and proniHu iatiou of the purest and mot approved terms in the English language Ry Enfieid Al A 1 vol bound $1 23 Just receii nion by i 1 i OUIL i IU nat i trtu I 11 i I it vtli IIHO i rippear by (he fn lowing tcsiiiuony of those who have used them aged years nf the ity of Laucasier a long i I a lit rs i A A A 1 i AJ EOARIHXG a WIDOW LA DY who Ims a hi ati modioii house siturued nearthe is ib sirous to obtain a uw ycaily Boarders either marric or single person who ill finkb'ir own bedding Cvi such who may be dip'S to do so the price of the boai time grievously Hflicttd with a severe cough pain and slilcl es ins sides and breast night sweats and copious dis charges from his liuis and all the symptoms cf rnnsumptiou Applied T2th of nber 1 823 a coniplel? qure by using his hxJi in Specific Affirmed and subscribed January 132L Allen Anderson aged 5'2 cr a lung iam ill with anio LNDIGEST1ON OR SOUR STOMACH J'S acknowledged 65' Medic! writers to be a cum plaini of smbborn kind at times very difficult of cure This is suffi jlh'Mraicd in ihe di appointment of those who sufivr under it as tin for du: most part find that aL having 'vied many thi ngs little or io purpose they arr at last obliged to use for pedmps lhe icm under of life such articles as can ai nest hill 1 lliate ihe disrate Under such iicnnistauces any im dicine capable of i moving ihe complaint must surely be an article highly dm serving atlmtion of ah those who a afflicted with it such a medicine is Dr Antidyspcpiic or Stomach Pills i he success of which has nevet yet been equalled for the cure of Dyspepsia is its most complicated forms Rmh as loss of appetite nausea or sickness at the stomach and sometimes vomiting belching up of water which issomclimcs tasteless but most commonly sour gnawing pain io the stomach beart burn 01 what is called sour stomach paleness of the countenance hmgom lown ss of spirits: palpitation of the heart verl'go or giddiness and disturln sleep The number of these symptoms varies in diitrium pa tients with some being felt only in part while oihers have even additional ones equally disagreeable sm a as severe pains in the head and breast flatulence or wind in the sto mach ami bowels emaciation or wasting of the whole body with great weakness particularly of the legs Whoever ap plies these Pills in (he above diseases according 10 the di rections will never be disappointed as they have never once been known to fatl in producing a radical anil permanent cure The use of a single box will convince he must unbe lieving of their efficacy They will most effectually remove all sourness of the stomach not merely by neutralizing the acid but by correcting that morbid state of the secretions which give rise to it and at the same time will restore to the debilitated organs of digestion that tone and vigour which is absolutely necessary to the well being of the animal economy Price for sale by NJ EWE IT and TODD Co 5 RUIT at Low Prices LT10 be had at niyStores on Pennsylvania Avenue JL Washington and Bridge stn et Georgetown such as Lemons Oranges Dates Currants Raisins Almonds il bert Walnuts Palmnuts Cranberries Grapes and Prunes all of the kind and at lower prices than they have been sold of late yeais A respectfully informs his friendsand customers that he has a very good supply of every article in his line of bu siness too numerous to state in an advertisem*nt aad fur ther wishes to return his sincere thanks to those who have heretofore favored him with their custom and begs leave lo inform them and the public generally that he has recover ed his so that he is able to attend to the business himself and assures them that every order will be punc tually attended to by himself at either stoic Dinners tils and other parties will be supplied with Jelleys Blanccs Manche Ice cream Ices orna ments cakes and other Confectionay of the best kind Ladies baskets Joys Dolls etc Dec9 Nov 22 lawtd MINERVA PILL $5 per box WGLN sole agent for vencKngthis ma dicine in the District nf Columbia has recexd thb following iccoinin ndation thereof by Doer M'Murtrie 8X81 who has given permission fo its publication Philadelphia 1st January1627 I have no hesitation in recommending the Minerva Pill Di ctor Severe Lopez to Syphilitic patients as by far thflt best remedy I am acquaintrtf with I have astd it and known it used in hundreds of cases without failing to dUXgf the disease every one of them It neither salivate pur ges sweats but if taken in the commencettiflit and ac cording to hig directions generally moves every symptom of the comniahit in two or three eeks it does indeed PCt lhc magic Jan 16 PROPOSALS or Publishing a Weekly Newspaper in the City of Washington to he cullctl THE WASHING I ON EXAMINER THE advantages of a Weekly Journal publish ed in the Metropolis of the Union are so obvious (bat any enlargement on them is deemed tmnrcessarv At pr sent no newspaper exists in Washington of which the ntbli cation is not more frequent than is adapted to the conven ience of a considerable portion of the community 'The present enterprise is calculated meet the deficiency Its object will be to promote the cause of morality and lo dif fuse political and literary information and its eoltmms will I be cheerfully opened to discussions connected with those important subjects when conducted with temperance am! propriety On the subject of politics the design being ra ther to exhibit an epitome of public affairs than to attempt the minuteness of a chronicle a report of the debates of Congress is not promised hut an accurate and arranged statement of the proceedings of both Houses will regularly appear and in connexion papers and other pub lic documents? Although the Washington Esaminm will be conducted in regard to mon and measures with the impartiality which is essential to the beneficial operation ofa public Journal the publisher thinks proper to add that his political senti ments are unequivocally and decidedly favorable to the pre sent Administration This paper will be published by Singleton Watker on the first Saturday in January next in a sheet containing eight quarto pages It being desirable to impat 1 1 lie un dertaking a character ofpermanent utility and to render its contents easy of reference it is proposed to number the pages of each paper and to subjoin to each volumo an pbabelical Index Terms four dollars per annum in Washington City Nu 11 DRY GOODS SROBINSO7J opposite row Pennsj! vania Avenue lias just received a great vaiien o' fashionable fancy and other Dry Goods viz Elegant needle worked Robe very cheAp 4 4 and 6 4 Cambrics Jaconets Swiss and Book Mirilijrfb Long Siiawls inferior quality (merino) Super London olive blue and black Cloths ish iJneis tram 18 cents to $1 per yard! Blue brown pink white anil green lorence Green brown and white Satin Crape Silk and fancy Gauze Hkfs Artificial Quilts and Blankets C(lu I alie Buivar Ginghams Carpetmgs nei wotked fab iy Velvets Combs Cologne by the box real respftfully informs nd iblic that the above goods are cheaper than be has nown goods of the same quality and purcliasera WiB ase S' for themselves Orders for any or quantity of goods can be purchased through his ftientik Ruh rnoi upon the shortest notice Dec tf 2 1 BOOh BLNDING PATENT RUTINGfcWTOWA4 description of BLANK WOBK Public Oww procupiIy executed at the usual priced City of Washington Dec 9 Musi: 1 sto Is Bidets Ci il Cradles and pattnbte WiL ilinz I) 4 with a toinal assortment of Bedsteads which will besvid 1 fm cash on hand Sh am sjned curl I shad Veneers Bar of fTondu I ra Al in planks smtablc foi hand rails any other and in rewarding their noble exertions I Lave been more liberal thaniny chcuinstances iuslixifd At thirty four public examinations in I bes towed upwards ui tw thoasand dollars in premiums My last examination exceeded two hundred dollars To aid me tn this expense 1 never received a cent from any person except fifteen dollars from Major General Brown Tins generous ind un xpectrd present merits my warmest thanks there is net a private institution in the Union more cotly mmr Graced with no title unconnected with any taction I look lr no public indulgence I know tn situation well Should I succeed in this arduous and irn ta undertaking I expect no applause should I fd no sympathy lIy system of education rules and icgulations a ctbe liuits of my long experience Having ev i thing at ami depending entirely upon my own exertions I must attend at my pest perform my duty and my teachers must be able and willing to do rhe same I have spent $16000 in erecting Literary Institutions and rewarding my ipih since my commencement in this Me tropolis AU those of mv nnt laid out one Pnnth of that sum the same manner since the fust foun dation stone was laid in if There were thirty teachers here when I commenced all have deserted the employment ago I bus have I stated my history since I came to Washing ton and my present situation which I hopi will be a suf ficient apology for changing mv system It is now the beginning of a New Year and I must settle my accounts the best way I can and be more exact in future I have six or seven thousand dollars due the third of which I nev expect to see This is my own fault I have almost mined myself by indulging people My expenses are great and without a change the Central Academy cannot stand I (hernfore respectfully request those whose bills are due six months or longer to settle before the first of next month or withdraw their children Tuition bills must bepiinclually paid attheendof every quarter I assure mv benefactors and the public that imperio necessity compels me to ad pt these measures JOHN McLEOD The Eastern Academy that I sold at the Navy Yard was a beautiful establishment and in high estimation in 1314 When the enemy approaching the City I dismissed one hundred and seventy two scholars from it It was the only decentscbool roomin Washington then It is ina wre'ch ed condition although twelve or fourteen teachers occupied it since Were it not that the Bank of Washington was com pelled to take it it would be as the Western Academy is now a nuisance in the neighlwrhood and a charge to the Corpo ration in the twenty fourth year of its age after costing thousands without much credit or advantage to Washington Oh! Angels and Ministers of Grace protect the Central Academy from i similar fate at least until its visionary and enthusiastic founder shall ive paid the last farthing of his debts in this world and in the next should this prayer be granted perhaps it may serve the last generation Jan 18 3t Io the People nJ Washington and Geargctowill THIS IS THE PLACE TO CUT GOOD RUDOL ZUR LL'DEN Bell Iir Lock Maker and White Smiih next door to the corne: of i) and streets Waduagton: Wil! (hankfuHy receive and punctually execute all ordet in his line if ft at his establishment or nt Mr InIs Hanhvarc store opposite Air Hotel Bell hang ing neatly executed and promptly attended to new oolocks made for house doots room doors wart houses meat houses and pris doors superior in durability to the im ported on reasonable terms and warranted: Raffing And grates made and stoves firdshed and repaired tools find all kinds of saddle springs made letters cut for brands and stamps coffee mills cut and andirons brass shovels and tongs candlesticks gun locks keys and door locks qx ftrfV kind of fancy wotk repaired Brass casting and all kinds of imn work for newbuildings manufactured penknives raxors and scissors made repaired ard ground His changes will be reasonable but for cash only AH kinls of Surgical hrstruments rcjffid nt th shortest notice or al! the good people I wish to make Lck To secure well their houses fiom all the bd I make them strong so handsome end good Of Iron and Br ass ami no of Oak wood Sept 28 NEW CABINET MANUACTORY pains and stitches in their nit hu u'lmmn iur ivng uiir cuuipanieu nu mgiH weats hectic fevers fee were completely cured by using ew butdes of Indian Specific Severally sworn anil affirmed o18l9 EDUCATION A cad em i January SZA HrWE been tin lnsrnicur of youth twenty JL eight years in the United btatt twenty of which I have taught in this citv I hrz ci rn 1 1t Vi il (wra! lout St 60 1 ui non" referred to no person i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 avuwini i cuiuiuenrca at inciavv lara with four pupils only In a few mmuhs I employed an as REMOVAL fTrllE Subscriber has removed his SidiUr 8 Harness and Trunk making business to the house formerly occupied by Rogers (a few do rs East of Mr buildings now fitting up for an extensive Hot tel) his assortment is very complete consisting of Pah ns Spring Shafton Quilted and Plain Saddles Plated Brass and Steel Bridles Plated Brass and Japanned Coach Gig and Carriall Harness Porimantna Hair and ancy Travel ling Trunks Carriage Crop and Switch Whips Spurs Va Jieces Saddle Bags fee AU of which wiki be sold at the most reduced prices CHARLES POLKINHORN Saddles flatness and Trunks exchanged or re paired at the shortest notice Sept 21 ISIIEY THOMPSON has on hand and will JL be constantly supplied with the following Medical norks which he oners to professors and Students on most reasonable terms American Dispcnsafoi Cha Therapeutics Morgagni Cooke Nervous Disease System of Midwifuiv Do Essay on do Do on Diseases and Trra branch ftom his establishment in Alexandria at (he smith west corner of Pennsylvania Av nue and Tenth street 1 where he has now on hand of Lis own manufacture and will constRufly keep a comuHe assortment of URNITURE which he warrant equal in quality to i any over offeted in this nlmr consisting in part ot i Grecian and plain Wardrobes Gothic pedestal end and plain Sideboards i rench plain Bureaus he Taldes with niatble tons i Do co mahogany do RENCH TUITION "i TR GUEGzVN continues his instructions in Lf rmicli at Itis school room two doors West of Wil liamsoo's Hotel above Mr Shepard where he will be glad every Monday Wednesday and riday in the Afternoon to correct NOTICE THE numerous and multiplying frauds commit ted on the public by at least fifty spurious mixtures in imitation of this well known medicine is alone satisfac tory evidence its superior virtue without any other comment I deem it proper to inform the public that the composi tion of the Panacea cannot possibly be discovered by ana nor was it ever communicated to anv personit bein? original with tnyself Proofs of this are manifest eve ry day The genuine Panacea has my name on the sea! on the cork and my signature on a label represent ing Hercules and the Hydra WM SWAIM No 221 Chesnut between Seventh and Eighth sts door below the Masonic Hall Itis particularly requested that those who use this pie dicine would destroy the label as improper use has been made of the bottles ray name on them newtestimontal Roxborough Philadelphia Count 8th Month 1st 1826 Respected riend I lately hail an opportunity of looking over a book published by thee containing an account of cures performed hy thy Panacea and a number of the most respectable certificates proving its valuable fourasesof which came fresh to my recollection viz: Robert Ryan Ruth Tregomaine Owen Laughlin and Michael Anderson They were all cases which excited commise ration and were all considered hopeless and incurable Robert Ryan was about six years in the hospital was tui der the care during that time of the eminent surgeons of that institution who tried every means they could devise to cure bim but in vain He finally took his discharge put himself under thy earn and in a short time was restored to health and soundness He was aftei wards employed as gate keeper Concerning Tregomaine Owrn and Michael Anderson I having opportunities of seeing them daily beholding their emaciated appeal anre their debility becoming daily more apparent their ulcers growing latger and more obstinate that I had not the leastexpectation of their recovery The two former were per mitted to take thy Panacea in the Hospital by the Surgeon then in attendance and the Ihtter took his discharge in or der to receive the nefit thereof and were all restored to their usual health and strength Should the above statement be in any degree gratifying to thee I feel a pleasure in giving it With respect and esteem remain thv friend SAMUEL MASON Late Steward of the Pennsylvania Hospital Containing descriptions of the cases referred to in Mr letter and of numerous other cures effected by Panacea can bn seen at the Store of the subscri ber and where the genuine medicine can be obtained 7 Oct GUNTON TO THE CITIZENS PHYSICIANS DRUGGISTS THE UM TED STATES 511 is now upwards of twenty years that my ENT NEW LONDON BILIOUS have been in use with tvhai success in preventing and curing Epi derjiu and Pievaleui I incidental diseases 1 need not but the (XJiibLi i and hicreasirig demand for them di 'u from me a public imation of their va as a iainily nudirJipfvell a5 a saleable article of thebr)i 'l lie dishonorable practice however hv onie (whose ava rice is greatiHlhan their virtue) of vending a spurious pill under mv name but without my 'Written jgn iaire surjepti uou offered a prepared from the patent recipe of base and chc tp article (omitting wholly th most valuable on ecconnt ol ithih priceiitid scare i y) are (acts whi call 'oudly for toy hderterneefland asj am bound in duty to guard ou as much as possible frauds and emse(juent'di up poinunentM hereby present you with the only means in my power of shielding you fromtbcir iriicuit vous machinations One minute of your time only is requind to test their geaunr IlTI genuinexrtd prepared by veil will please to ex amine die envelope of directions covering eocii box of pills and you will find my name in Roman cupu 8 LEEt te i nd near the middle of 'ill nd immedi ately ulci ncath the same letters sig 1 with and black i uh in tny own proper hand riling wi 1 limit wbch written cg mtliit none can be geiniiue hecnHe coinneiToiters and imitators are restrained by our law ui darin to ANCY SOAPS just received an extensive assdittiwl Siain? nxIToilctt Soaps of American rench manufacture including ADDISON WANTED A active and a willing COLOURED BOY ca IA pable of doing all the work necessaty in a family He must be well recommended for sobriety and capacity and not less than fifteen ar sixteen years of age Apply at this July 4 tf DRUGS MEDICINES WE have received by late arrivals from Bos ton New York and Philadelphia a large supply of fresh Drugs Medicines ancy Goods fee They have been carefully selected and comprise the best in the marxet including Superior Red Bark Calisaya Bark Cinchonine Jodine Emetine Morphine Lupulitie Hydriodate of Potass Sttlph Quinine Elaterium Croton Oil Oil Rhodium Pearl Tapioca Cedar Apples recently collected Poisson Pump and Stomach Tuhe which is offer ed to the Physicians ot the city and vicinity in cases of emergency Orders from the country promptly attended to TODD fe CO ear the Centte Market House oeraiimt acd ffei ts lee Mvipljer nf ihe Coiuie iicut Medical Sociriv and frolc of the New London Bilious ilh 1 lutk this day received by sloop airther of the above valuable pills direct from the na ter WM GUNTON Druggist of 9ih street and Penn Avenue May 13 1826 uij? LAMP GLASSES JUST received frotr tCe rbw England Glass Company an assortment of Lamp Glasses comprising a variety of sizes and patterns which with others daily ex pected renders our assortment complete Lamp wicks all sizes Retorts Glass Tubes Apparatus unnels Mor tars Graduated Glasses fee Also resh Oat Meal Tamarinds Salaeratir? extensively us eed in our Eastern cities being fai superior to Pearlash for domestic purposes Bristol Brick for polishing and cleaning knives fee su perior to anv polishing powder in use Nov 16 TODD fe CO LOST BETWEEN Washington and Georgetown on Wednesday last a note drawn by (he subscriber in favorofTohias Watkins dated the 14th instant by h'm en dorsed payable sixty days after date for the amount of three hundred and sixty dollars Banksand Brftkeis are cautioned against receiving the above note Any person finding it will confer a favor by leaving it with the drawer at the General Post Office or at ms residence in Georgetown aeptisx wtt NEW BOOKS Chronological History of Ncw Eng Iatdtn the firrm of annals first printed in 1 736 Re printed 1826 1 vol 8 VO Au Elementary Course of Biblical Theology translated from (he works of Store and Platt by Schmucker 1 1U avois ovo The amily Instructor relating to parents and children Mtar)t aurf in four or Lv' years raised an establishment which cost moi than six thousand dollars sold it after thu i 4 rn rf fUn l' 1 1 i uiq ax a great toss 1 moved to I this i 1816 erected the Centra! Academy and for piMpuu i uunwru a arge stun of money cumme*r and winter myself and teachers attend by day light spend ing daily on an average from 9 10 hour instructing the ymitn committed to our care This olan has an excellent eiiect upon the and constitution They enjoy fine Printing Business at his Office Ave and in arly and regular attendance good conduct nue where lie will receive the commands of his friends and gi improvement they are not excelled nor perhaps and ti public generally His materials are new end h3 1 1 a I 1 1 1 It 5 1 1 i zxl rxC I i 1 i oi nra rt 1 1 I A 1 a Kvn 11 itiA eouiufj tvMs i ur hip line of Dr Claik'on Cough Drops (or Lulian Specific) upon tli' inse I vus with (he greatest for the I curiig ut ug i cold asihmas ronsiiinpuons cpiuiug n(J blood a nd li ca the brcst and Iuri2 a nd that iti vrv i attend to those gentlemen desirous nf knowledge (he Grammar idiom and native language TERM5 per month payable in ad Prixae lessons (three" times a week) In class do Nov22 I will receive a reward of five dollars i Decl ot IransparaTU Windsor cs Ahnoftdita MHkAm ALo a small supply of Oxygen Sb ip Liar uropertviit ing the complexion rendering it clearer and niddiTtthao usual amoving eruptions Izc manufactured' in New Yorts ut TODD fe Co I tve dtmrs cast rd lire Centre plied August 8th 132) a complete cure hy using finr Injtt'rs ut Specific Sworn and subset ibc! to November 30th 11'21 Re er A bt ight 'id SI of the city Lancaster Conrad Miv Laucaster cumv Jehu Barr of Nev cn tlc Del aged 27 Eliz aged 30 uf Lancnnter conny Beuj Wil oa aged 53 ears Bucks sly Mahogany Boxes of 6 rows or 36 colours price $6 Do 5 do 30 do 5 Do 4 do 24 do 4 Do 3 do 18 do 3 Do 2 do 12 do 2 Do I do 6 du 1 Maboganyand curled maple boxes with lock ami kev Buiivai Aiilb flenr I a Grunge L'icnanum Rose Alv'inl Jessamin0 Vegetable' Uily Oriental Jonquil ahnyrenv Palm Orange Rose Olive.

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About Daily National Journal Archive

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Daily National Journal from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6635

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.