KRON 4 News at 8am : KRON : June 24, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> it's disgrace is unacceptable. sent out 3 xy and you need to resign. now. >> now on the kron, morning news open residents rally over the weekend calling for mayor thao to step down following an fbi raid on her home. and chaos in the late hope. police investigating overnight shooting and a sideshow at an apartment fire. and a massive sideshow. europes early sunday morning, stopping traffic on the bay bridge will talk more about that coming up. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at happy monday to you, chris. >> i'm darya and i'm reyna in for james and it's going to be happy in terms of the weather is yeah, i mean, you could be dropped because it's monday or

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i like the weather like a look, john. yeah, it's not looking bad. that sunshine will definitely boost the mood as we do make our way into the start of the week. we've got sunshine out there even behind me at the golden gate bridge. but a lot of it in this view from the east bay hills. >> where it's nothing but that sunshine up above coastal areas have been really cool. and in the transport of that cool coastal air inland, it is going to cool us down a little bit. you can see winds are very light this morning says not going to be a ton of that. meaning inland areas are still going to be on the warm side. just not as hot as this weekend was right now. still the 40's and half moon bay sea surface temperatures have been as cold as the 40's. that's why are coastal spots have been so chilly while 60's to even 70's elsewhere in the bay area. currently later on today, a lot of 70's 80's and still a few 90's thing on. i'll get to that. your full forecast rain. all right. on the eve of that track that the north now want to want to east 3rd avenue. >> this is mateo, his call this delays. looks like the

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truck was carrying on mcconnell's they have to get that out of the car and get that pulled out. so now, right now, it's also impacting our san mateo bridge. average just under 19 minutes, 7 to bridge just short 30 because of that crash. representative phil 12 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 23 minutes traffic came to a ground halt. can't get over the weekend on the bay bridge. those a massive sideshow that over 150 cars out on the papers and fireworks going at kron four's will tran live a bridge with that story morning. well. >> fireworks were going off, but the people behind the sideshow, they were the ones fuming because they were forced to come to a screeching halt after the sideshow took place in the eastbound direction from saturday night into sunday morning traffic moving along just fine. now, that was not the case at 02:00am sunday. let me show you the video. very reminiscent of what we saw a couple weeks ago along the

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embarcadero in san francisco. >> this also a major thoroughfare, all coordinated, all got together at the same time, all hit the brakes, stopping traffic behind them. you can hear them doing donuts. spectators got out, started filming with their cell phone cameras. fireworks going off the chp. we saw some lights off in the distance where it appears that they were heading in that direction. but like all sideshows, very hard to slam shut as far as an escape route. so as far as we know, no arrests in the case. this video has gone viral. same as the video from 3 weeks ago when it forced the mayor of san francisco as well as the police chief to respond a day after it happened when the entire nation saw sideshow took place just right down the street from the ferry building. and this case, of course, the world famous bay bridge, they have access to

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the video just like we do and they have cameras along the bay bridge. we were told by the san francisco police department 3 weeks ago that for the public to be patient, that they have camera readers and they have investigators on the case to try to make a rest from the side show 3 weeks ago. we have not heard from the chp, but they also use the same technologies. so they probably will say the same thing to urge the public to be patient as they conduct their investigation. not exactly sure. raina and daria, if they're the same people involved in what we saw 3 weeks ago. but sure looked and felt like it has specially with the fireworks going off. back to you. all right. thanks a lot. we'll all right. let's head to the north bank the late, hopefully searching for the person. >> behind a shooting that left several people hurt over the weekend. this happened around 2.30 sunday morning. this is on spring road in monterey street. 4 people were hurt in that shooting. well, video shows police presence that

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flooded the area after the violence unfolded. we don't have any word yet on the condition of the victims. then about an hour later, there was a sideshow on many and lewis brown drive. car was set on fire and no injuries reported. police say they did not respond because they were too busy with the shooting, an apartment fire. they did not immediately release details on the location of the fire. >> time now is 804. and it has been 5 days now since the fbi raid on oakland. mayor sheng thao is home and we still have yet to hear from over the weekend. the group behind a possible recall they held a rally right outside city hall. kroger's michael thomas and oak with the latest. >> hey, good morning, everyone. well, it's been a busy month for the city of oakland, especially when it comes to politics. oakland mayor sheng thao has really not been seen or heard from since last week when her home was raided. and also since the city saw 15 people injured at lake merritt because of the shooting. and now people are starting to get frustrated asking where is she? take a look. this is video from last

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thursday morning when the fbi did a raid, her home as to why still hoping to get answers to that question. but there was about a dozen federal agents. it spent about 5 hours in her home before leaving with multiple boxes for investigation during the same time, 3 other locations are also being raided by the fbi. the u.s. mail inspector and the irs. it includes a home of david in andy young, who partially owned and operate. california waste solutions, which is the city's recycling service and keep in mind, this federal raid came after 15 people were shot following a juneteenth celebration at lake merritt, which the mayor has yet to address or even acknowledge major reason why some residents are upset meeting at city hall over the weekend demanding her resignation. take a listen to the group behind mayor sheen tells recalled that submitted more than 40,000 signatures arguing the city has become absence of leadership following that mass shooting in violence.

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>> light park is president you guys let me what i witnessed. our community fallen yet. doesn't show up at your at your home your home. >> unless corruption involving we know shang your hideout, your at your honeycomb hideout you you're hiding because, you know, we know you're a disgrace. is unacceptable. sent out 3 xy and you need to resign out. >> as of now, no formal comment or site of the mayor has come. but an attorney for the mayor tells media she may be speaking publicly at some point this week. they've not gotten confirmation of that. and again, she has not been seen or heard of or heard from. and we still don't know exactly what that investigation entails. keep in mind, you know, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. but sometimes it's not always the case when it comes to public opinion. and so we're hoping to hear from the mayor at some point this week.

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but you get those details. we'll keep you updated. that's a very latest here in the city of oakland. i'm michael thomas will send it back to 2 in the state. all right. we'll check back with you later. thanks, michael. so during that fbi raid, they also raided the home david on thursday. he along with other family members own and operate. california waste solutions. the city's recycling service in a state across 4 cws says in part, quote, we were very surprised by the federal law enforcement search of our home and office on june. 20th. we believe that we have not engage in or coitd any illegal activities. we're awaiting the decision of the law enforcement agency. in the meantime, cws will continue to probably provide recycling services to countless communities throughout the bay area. time now is 807. and we have new video from cal fire. crews are making great progress on the point. fire near lake sonoma. this fire is 90% contained at this hour and they don't expect any new flames. full containment should happen soon. so we'll keep you posted on that. they pretty much stopped it at 1200

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acres, though it did destroy 3 buildings in 2 of those were homes. >> and 2 other houses were damaged. and now let's move on to the latest with the biggest fire burning in california right now, which is the sites fire. it's in colusa county and it has burned more than 19,000 acres. it's 48% contained right now. crews have dropped more than 7 100,000 gallons of water and lots of fire retardant. the man accused of killing a richmond district shopkeeper is in court today. he faces murder charges last august. johan, u.s. john, to wal d was shot while trying to stop a robbery in this market in richmond, santos de la rosa, they say, was trying to steal 2 cans of beer that night while they tried to stop with a baseball bat. but he ended up being attacked, beaten and ended up dying of his injuries a few days later and that de la rosa making its way through

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the court system for that. oh, governor newsom's office saying that he won't deliver a traditional state of the state address this year. >> tomorrow is going to live or state of the state letter to the legislature. his office will also post pre-recorded remarks to news from social media accounts over the years. most california governor's of delivered a formal state of the state address to the legislature. governor newsom points out that the california constitution only requires him to provide a formal report. we talked to professor with the mcgeorge school along about what we can expect. >> i think the the intended audience, the legislature and the citizens are definitely expecting an update on the california budget situation. but i think in other instances, you know what other priorities are addressing homelessness, certainly retail theft are definitely on the top of people's minds. and i think a priority for the administration. >> all the governor's office says his letter will discuss public safety efforts to strengthen democracy as they

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put it. not everyone is impressed. republican assembly minority leader james gallagher. it's calling the state of california, quote, embarrassing. >> it's 8.10, right now. and the streets of san francisco's tenderloin were transformed. >> into a car free block party over the weekend. >> this is a series is called sunday streets and it kicked off on golden gate avenue with lots of fun for everybody, food artists, vendors and neighbors who shut up and said it was great to have this in the neighborhood. >> of people listening to music. and i really like there is a lot of at a friend's >> love the face painting and the sunday streets block parties continue with the excelsior neighborhood next. that's on july, 21st. all right. still ahead, the kron morning news. we'll take you inside a juneteenth community festival in oakland. organizers are working to move

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the neighborhood forward just days after tragedy. >> plus, how instacart is teaming up with a local food bank to feed families during a season of pretty high right season of pretty high right back.

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when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. >> charges right now we're checking out the looking at traffic as well and rain in the future. will this could be the new mode of transportation. and they're basically called air taxis. okay. and they say that they're going to be taking off in 2025. that seems really fast. but if they can do it, this aircraft company call are sure is going to be bringing these taxes to the bay area.

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they say instead of driving in traffic for an hour or 2, your trip would take 10 or 20 minutes. wow. i know. and they say they're going to build their bases in oyster point. south san francisco, napa, san jose, oakland and livermore, you know, like, oh, this less accidents because you know, that's tracking today. am. you know, this is also a merger of rain and ice jobs. right? want have to get certified to foggy there. not to be able to fly. i don't know. i see problems but and say i have a feeling they're all going to be like automated like drone, the you know, i got get one of those without a >> no. with the pilot of yeah, i stop to the south side what saw the the little the riderless went done, though, kind of aggressively. by the he didn't give me the nod national. they're not bashful.

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those steering what we're ready to go were day today. that's going to be still warm but not as hot as we have been. you can see right here. it's it's our little bit of wind. that is not that our moving its the camera, but it is definitely a just enough of a breeze from the coast monterey. temperatures closer to the coastline in the bay shore weekend was hot. high pressure ridge really responsible for that. but this low dives in as we move into tomorrow and wednesday will further i continue this cooling trend in by wednesday. our very warmest of highs will be back down in the 80's and that's the way we'll stay through next weekend. as i mentioned, winds not too much of a factor this morning, but around 15 miles per hour at max will continue to see that sea breeze through the day today. that's helping to clean up our air locally central valley. that's where you have that really poor air quality. same for the inland empire down in the la area bay area. by comparison, we're doing all right. moderate to good conditions. you may notice a little haze out there, but you're really not noticing wildfire smoke today. so some

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good news there for stepping outside. hopefully enjoying a bit 50's to 60's for your highs in sf as well as along the coastline. lots of 70's 8s going to be still a warm one, but we're continuing this cooling trend. saturday was the hottest yesterday. we cool things off a bit. and today you're going to notice just a few less 90's, livermore, concord, you're still in the 90's while oakland berkeley in the low 70's antioch, our hot spot today at 97 degrees. let's look ahead to tomorrow's temperatures. low 90's at the warmest after that, it's really a tease for inland areas. 70's along the bayshore 60's at the coast. some fog at the coastline, but mostly sunny skies elsewhere. all right, john, thanks for that. still tracking that accident law northbound 101 at east 3rd avenue. this is in san mateo. >> things are a little slow on the san mateo bridge as well. if you are going to be traveling, keep that in mind. 60 minutes on the bay bridge are some of still 30 minutes cause that accident. i want to one 15 minutes longer to

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center fell and the golden gate bridge. 21 minutes. >> well, cows time protesters took over the streets of san francisco here. hundreds marched through the castro on sunday and they laid down at the intersection of 16th street and valencia tracing the outlines of their bodies with chalk. millions of dollars for crime, victims, services and programs. >> and california's final budget agreement are there because governor newsom just approved 103 million dollars. this can 800's of thousands of violence and domestic violence victims. that money is going provide resources for survivors, including mental health services and legal assistance from nonprofits. >> across 4 is local election headquarters. this thursday is the first big debate of the election season. between

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president biden and former president donald trump. the rules include the mikes when the other candidates talking because you might remember got pretty noisy when the 2 last met on a debate stage in nashville back in 2020? well, war is going to be carrying live thursday night, starting at 6 growers gathering. it will be moderating a panel of our political analyst before and immediately after that debate analysts call it high stakes. they say it carries significant risk for both man because they are the oldest candidates to have ever competed in a presidential race. now. independent candidate robert f kennedy failed to qualify for that debate. >> kevin, our director has been mike cut key forever, a button to cut our mikes. but 8.19, is a time right now. a big issue for the election this year is going to be the issue of abortion because today marks 2 years since the u.s. supreme court overturn roe v wade and that ended the constitutional right to an abortion. we have washington

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correspondent reshad hudson with that story. abortion access is likely to come up at thursday's debate between president biden and former president trump. >> it's the first faceoff during this election cycle. well, speaking to the faith and freedom conference in washington, d.c.. >> former president donald trump took a victory lap for helping overturn roe v wade. >> these justices we have also achieved what the pro life movement for to get for 49 years. christian conservatives make up a key part of the former president's support. >> they want him to go further on abortion restrictions. but trump is inclined to support a nationwide abortion ban. just now up to the will of the people in each state. some states will be more conservative. other states will be more liberal. abortion access is likely to be a major issue going into november's general election. donald trump and his allies >> they're working from a playbook.

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>> freedom's massachusetts democratic senator elizabeth warren says democrats in the senate are working to protect abortion rights. >> if donald trump is elected to the presidency, he and the extremist republicans are coming after abortion, contraception and ivs. >> and on the two-year anniversary of the ruling, vice president kamala harris will travel to maryland arizona today for campaign events focused on reproductive rights reporting in washington, reshad hudson. back to all right. we'll just and the u.s. supreme court. >> stepping into that fight over transgender rights. it's agreed to hear appeals from the biden administration family seeking to block state bans on gender affirming care. the justices action comes as republican led states have restricted healthcare for transgender people. school sports participation, bathroom usage and even drive shows the administration and democratic. let's states have extended protections for transgender people. the case before the

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high court and laws, a law in effect in tennessee restricting puberty blockers and hormone therapy for transgender minors. come out em morning news. a new study reveals what type of housing is best for senior citizens will talk about that. and after the break, we'll tell you how much it's going to cost you to fill up their tank. when you head out this tank. when you head out this morning.

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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪

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♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪

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firefighters called to the scene of a wind-driven grass fire. this is in the bayview district on saturday. >> house was damaged on hall street right near underwood avenue. the fire grew to 2 acres before it was contained around 11:00pm. no injuries were reported. it's a 24 to new study says that seniors are better off. >> in senior housing and not living in their own homes. at a certain point, they get more care. i guess they have more of a social life and it's safer. this is what the university of chicago researchers found when they tracked common high costs. health problems among seniors. they looked at older adults who lived at home and those who moved into senior housing. and the study found that the ones in senior housing we're less vulnerable to accidents and he'll miss less likely to need hospitalization for things like hip fractures and wounds and they got more health care in senior housing

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and they lived a slightly longer. well, look at this. san jose firefighters in alameda county firefighter actually who just got out of the hospital and they're greeted by the department from friends and co-workers. brandon franco is his name is a 22 year. veteran of alameda fire and he suffered burns fighting the corral fire near tracy earlier in the month. he had to have surgery. and as you can see, they're left the hospital with a smile on his face and cheers and applause from his co-workers. all right. gas prices. they say they keep looking better and better every week. so right now the state average is about 4.81 per gallon gas here in the bay. the most expensive gas today is in sonoma county $5.9, stays above 5 bucks in the north bay and san francisco in the east bay drop slightly below 5 bucks and achieve was gashed a fine is in the south bay at for 85 per

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gallon of regular gas. so might as well. just go. phillip in a south bay. coming next to the problem morning news y favorite spot at stonestown galleria is shutting down. we're right back. don't go anywhere. 20

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right now we're checking out the weather. what i like about jobs or is that instead of using my iphone think he spoon feeds me any so personal lesson. can't get that from advice i think that me compared to text. still like a

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little bit more warm and you better idea whether well worded, whether though that when the competition right are looking at. >> some nice weather out there this morning. you can see a little fog working its way through the golden gate center tower right there, rising up above it. we have a very, very light wind from the coastline pushing inland this morning. you can actually see that right here around 6 miles per hour through san francisco. >> that's practically still air by city standards. but it is enough to get those cool areas right along the bay shore. you can see those spots in the green hair. hue right here on our temperature map, mostly in the 50's to 60's along the bay in the coast little bit warmer further inland. we're heating up already in vacaville up at 76 right now. and later today, we will be seeing temperatures in the 80's to even 90's that are very warmest. we're slowly backing off the heat. we saw this weekend, though, and i'll let you know what that means for the rest of your forecast.

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ahead right now. all right. on the for that northbound one and 3rd avenue and sam a tail. there's an accident there. so things are slow you can see on the mat. >> house also slowing down the san mateo bridge this morning bay bridge about 18 minutes traveling into the city or san matteo bridge somewhere around. 33 richards overfill, 16 golden gate bridge just short of 21. >> can't get back and from a mcdonald's stonestown anymore. lows lot of people upset about that. it was actually there for more than 3 decades. kron four's sara stinson takes a closer look. >> a sign posted on the door notified customers about the closure. first i thought it was fake. >> i didn't believe it. i'm sad about this location is going to be closing down. loyal customers shared stories about eating here over the years. i was a student at some schools, state university just just i've been coming here since around maybe 2000. 2, 2003. i'm really disappointed to hear >> more so far. my mom then

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for me because as she dearly loves mcnuggets and this is one of the few places close enough for me to bring her the fast food restaurant off of 19th avenue is packed with people in the final hours of operation. >> many saying the mall just won't be the same without it. it's drastically changed over the years that this is one of the more heartbreaking change is that i think they're making it because this is so one of the place so we can hanging out together now we don't know where we can goal. >> yeah. the franchisee owner scott roderick tells kron 4 the decision to close the restaurant was a difficult one for his family. roderick says there are 2 main factors that led to the closure. one, he says the landlord was unwilling to negotiate a sensible long-term rent. second broaddrick says the cost of operating a business is accelerating at historic levels. he says it became extra challenging to stay open

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after the state's $20. minimum wage mandate went into effect on april. 1st for fast food restaurants. roderick says all of his employees have been offered jobs to work at a nearby mcdonald's. there's another location about a mile away as well as other fast food chains at the food court inside the mall. but longtime customers say this closure hurts their routine. and while one of the >> last places where i could get a hamburger for one 99 2024 economy. so. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. kron. 4 news. >> all right. well, maybe this will help to ease the pain of that because another raising canes is coming to the east bay, the food chain plans to open a restaurant this fall in the heywood retail center off mission boulevard early this year, the chain announced it would also open one in san jose. also in coma. jane now runs a restaurant at oakland. in the south and new construction policy could allow the city of san jose to withhold certification from

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big developers. here's what is going on now with this. the san jose city council approved the responsible construction policy and what it does is it says that companies that have unpaid wage theft settlements have to address those before. the city can issue a final certificate on a project and it also expands city searches for violations. so they'll also in addition to looking at violations filed with the california labor commissioner's office, they will look at civil wage and penalty assessments and bureau a field inforcement citations more than 12,000 santa clara county. construction workers have been victims of wage theft since 2001 to the tune of about 46 million dollars. >> happening now, sonoma county sheriff's deputies are looking for a man who sexually assaulted a woman who was out on an evening jog. she was running on thursday evening on a trail between there said avenue and yano road when a man approached her, forced her to the ground and tried to sexually assault a she was

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able to run away and call the police. but he got away. all we know is he's described as a hispanic man 18 to 20 years old with long black hair and he was last wearing purple hooded sweatshirt, gray pants and seen running on that trail, headed westbound toward sebastopol on the peninsula. police have arrested a man accused of driving a car that was stolen out of san diego. and officers got tipped off by an automatic license plate reader. the car was driving near paracel boulevard and como boulevard right off of 2.80. the driver who was arrested. a 34 year old name tiago orlando out of daly city 8.34. is the time right now. other news that we're following, emergency crews in santa cruz county rescued a hiker over the weekend who spent 10 days roughing it in the wilderness before he was found. 34 year-old lucas mcclish and he's an experienced a backpack or so. he was hiking in big basin

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redwoods state park when he just got lost because there are wildfires and it wasn't used to that. rain in the area got turned around, ended up shouting for help, but then just had to hunker down for 10 days on his own before he was found. he says he survive by eating berries, drinking water out of his boot and he slept on a bed. bed of wet leaves each night. he was taken to the hospital. he was treated for minor injuries and released 10 days. i don't think i could to survive. he ease and avid hiker. so he knew what credible. ok, listen to the east bay because livermore police helped revamp a bedroom for family. they were from peru seeking refuge here in the bay. officer's partner with the healthy room project to build new deaths bought that. >> special area for the kids organization is dedicated to transforming spaces for families in at-risk communities. one volunteer says she felt especially connected to the family because our own background.

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>> i come from also hispanic back from my parents came from mexico didn't have much so growing up. we also were poor. i let them know where it came from home. looking now have anything is possible. >> little more. police say families who need the help contact their community outreach program. >> look at what did you see point and what color and what did you say to mom and r d? >> and if you save the day. >> cutest thing i've seen all day to your boy san francisco being credited with saving the day, luke alerted his peers to a fire in their home, told him to call 9-1-1. the fire started outside the home on the 700 block of 35th avenue. thankfully nobody was hurt. polly, thanks to luka. and the state of california. they're currently hiring for jobs that don't require you to have a college degree. they had to $8,000 per it just because of

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personnel? specialist staff service managers and a student assistant. the state is also looking for an office assistant or a technician and a legal secretary. 37 and what a great time. there was a lot going on over the weekend at lake merritt. everybody was celebrating out there with culture, food, all kinds good time. growers photojournalist malcolm jackson takes us to lakefest. >> well, lot of people. days ago for actually a safe family. starting right

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>> create it looks like >> anderson. and that's how the beta very everybody that gets here. in the a lot of people. so has been really really, you know, like part of

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>> side lake fest police increased patrols right around lake merritt on wednesday. a shooting in the area left 15 people hurt during an illegal sideshow. we're from a lake has organizer about the safety protocols that are in place. >> i know a lot of people are fearful because what happened. at the lake on juneteenth. we've incurred a lot of calls to ensure everyone is safe. and like i said, we know do that. the whole park metal detectors bags will be checked. and that's just to make sure everyone it is safe. >> know that 5th year of life haim has a 40. and coming up after the break, we'll take a look at sports and how the giants did against the cardinals. >> and we are looking at forecast today. let's bring into sunshine with it for san

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jose. temperatures will again be back up into the upper 80's little cooler than you were this weekend. well, as oakland staying comfy in the 60's to staying comfy in the 60's to 70's. got your forecast.

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kiiinnnddd of feels like everyone's trying to copy the $5 biggie bag. so, how can you spot a knock off? won't taste like wendy's. this job is easy. when the deal is as fresh as the meal, gotta be wendy's. ♪ gotta be fresh ♪ ♪ ♪ california sky ♪

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♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ >> us olympic team is one of a handful to supply air conditioning years for athletes at the paris games next month. is going to hot officials with the u.s. olympic and paralympics. they have ac is high priority for athlete as they felt it would be a critical component in their performance capability.

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critics, however, say the move undercuts organizers plan cut emissions. other countries planning to bring their oases germany, australia, italy, canada and britt harris gets hot. joke us. okay. let's to the att stadium in arlington, where they go work on mayor to let's say, did you know bolivia? as they there? >> okay. going to the minutes. no score. chrystia impulsive gets out in front 5, the top corner for the goal and the usa strikes first in the 44th minute now >> gun gets. this is from poll sick. he puts it in the back of the u.s. extend their lead to grow. on a limb with a school or they'll take on on thursday. that no. aren't you glad this morning that i don't have any what they call cell to really annoyance. i-44 is the time right now and let's talk giants because they've been struggling on the road.

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you manager bob melvin, pretty much fed up kron. 4 sports director jason dumas. that story. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants have been struggling mightily. they've lost 6 of their last 8 games they looked to avoid the sweep in st. louis logan webb on the bump for orange and black keys. you leave the guy who can right the ship. cardinals got to him early. bottom of the first guys already down by a brendan dawn of it. >> he's been killing the giants all series long and he does it again here. a ground-rule double into left jenner and it's 2 nothing cardinals very next batter. one on for matt carpenter. he hits a flare into right center that will fall for a base hit donovan scores that caps off a three-run first for the car. got a great day logan. top a giant down 2, for wilmer flores, the corner he hits a

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screamer into left, will hop over the wall for a ground-rule double. matt chapman scores giants scored chipping away. they would tack on another run on a sac-fly bottom of the frame. cardinals up a run. one on for former giant brandon crawford. he's a for ever giant. but right now he's wearing that cardinals read. run, comes into score on that hit into right. he gets the best of his former team. st. louis had the lead to 2. they going to win 5 to times have now lost 5 in a row. here's bob melvin had to say after going one in 5 on this >> it's not that i mean, we won the game and then first game that we'll win after it's a bad road trip we have a lot going on. but so did these guys. so we we thought had a chance to stand. we're doing good early in the game. obviously we continue to do that against plating relievers. it's put pressure

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early in the game that we're having some trouble with. we do that yesterday. but >> last last. all that's a look at the weather is supposed to be going this week for little cooler. which is a nice job. yeah. back it up. you know, a little bit. saturday was a scorcher yesterday was certainly still high in today will still be warm. but we are. >> on the downward trend for half moon bay coastal areas. you've been kind of cool. you don't have the fog this morning, but you're out those really cool sea surface. temperatures as low as the upper 40's and that has had an impact on our coastal areas. definitely always a moderating effect. but if air temperatures are a little cooler, partly because those those and temperatures are cooler as well. high pressure is kept our inland are% really warm. that becomes less of a factor as this low dives in from the north and west, especially starting into tomorrow. but cooling us even further on into wednesday. after that wednesday through the weekend, we're going to be looking at temperatures down in the 80's for most of our

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inland areas. winds just enough of a factor from the coast helping to cool things down. also keeping our air quality decentwe are seeing very poor air quality for the central valley and inland e bay, by comparison, ut for moderate to good conditions will take it. you may notice a little bit of haze out there today, but that is not wildfire smoke that rather is stored up in southern california and in the sierra foothills. today's highs are going to be in the 60's for most of san francisco, although a few 50's at the coast staying cool out that direction. lot of 70's 80's to yes, still some 90's elsewhere in the bay. not going to be near as hot as it was on saturday. so there's a plus were other negative because we're cooling down san jose at 88 degrees today. livermore at 94 while hayward san leandro, oakland, as well as even vallejo among some spots and some 70's antioch, you'll be at 97 today easily. our hottest area tomorrow. we further cool down a little bit more and by wednesday, our average inland highs are really only in the 80's 70's

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along the bayshore 60's towards the coast. right now, all eyes on eve an accident northbound one, a one, a east 3rd avenue. >> san mateo, we've been tracking that for most of the morning. you can see that accidents causing a delay along the san mateo bridge. so let's go look at those bridges, bridge about 18 minutes. our san mateo bridge around. 33 minutes because of that crash, richard somerville puts 14 and the golden gate bridge. 37, the tolls. 21 we continue to celebrate pride month here on kron and over the weekend conference, stephanie lin talked to a mexican folklore dance group whose mission sharing an inspiring message. >> case you missed it, let's take a look.

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>> a 54 right now is real hot over the weekend. and so it's a great time for a reminder to take care of your pets. it's important to know the signs of heat stroke in a dog, for example, rapid panting. >> dark red or purple tong. thick and sticky saliva, weakness, diarrhea, and vomiting. if you see any of those signs. >> get your dog into a cool area. give them some water if possible and get him to the vet as soon as possible. also, all right. let's talk about covid lead because he's actually been linked to an increased risk in serious illness for people that have covid. that's what a new study at washington university. they found covid patients use cannabis in the previous year. they were 80% more likely to be hospitalized. 27% more likely to be admitted to the icu and patients who had not smoked it's 8.55. drug used to treat type 2 diabetes may also help with sleep apnea. it's

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called turns up tide and it cut down on the number of breeding interruptions during sleep. more testing is still needed but it could be something maybe in the future. all right. still to come, we're talking about local mayor sheng thao. she hasn't been seen publicly since fbi raided our home. some local residents are now calling her to step down. plus, the man accused of killing a dry killing a store clerk during a robbery. is it for today? we'll tell you how much time you might be facing in prison. and governor gavin newsom's stay. the state address will be just a little different this year than last when we can expect from tomorrow's speech. >> now he's released a final state budget agreement will be right back. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way.

8:57 am

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during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >> it's disgrace is unacceptable. out 3 xy and you need to resign. now now across morning news, oakland residents rally over the weekend. >> calling for mayor thao to step down following an fbi raid on her home. and chaos and allay police are investigating an overnight shooting in a sideshow at an apartment fire. and a massive sideshow reps early sunday morning. stopping traffic on the bay bridge will talk more about that coming up. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no.

9:00 am

>> morning and thanks for starting your day with us. i'm daria and rain in the james this morning. a nice break from the heat that we had this week. coming up. you a little cool down is yeah, it's nice to have a cooler trajectory ahead of a saturday was the warmest day of the forecast. >> yesterday was still hot but not as home saturday and today will continue that gradual cooling trend looking outside this morning been showing this view a lot. this is from mount tam looking at tower. you've got the evidence of both of what we have going on little bit of hazy skies up above some evidence of some cool coastal fog down below. now visibility is fine. just a couple spots of fog near the coastline. winds are very light from the coast. just enough to have cooled us down overnight, though, and temperatures are in the 50's to 60's along the bay shore already back into the 70's for some of our inland spots. livermore, conquered as well as vacaville in the 70's back into your gopro ching. 80 degrees already later today.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.