The Orange Leader from Orange, Texas (2024)

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The Orange Leaderi

Orange, Texas

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TUHDAY MAY It 19M THT ORANGS' LEADR ACT SIX vRegistralion Iness to accept the county offer! a a I ai zi a Mtn ot ot lai MV 1 A total of $24225 in building Brid ge Citv tvvaivau MU UUUHJ 8 9 year olds at 10:05 am The seventh grade of the Dew LODGE NOTICES i Junior and senior lifesavingi Eniovins n'raodsido nark ntr The announcement was va" Jr oirs Business Mgr Dpi) Lewis was luvsuay iui a Auriiri dR ller Mra autoorized to accejprbids fpr V' 'iMr and Mrs Dillard A'Siljnited Gas in 1947 an engi Mrs Joe Quinn Mrs Royiwalk in freezer cooler and about four weeks here from 1 XUI Av 'L Cn nradn Snrincs Thpv visitad Purchasing slgcntf iy in Houston where thev at ian rs A Dillard and son chanical engineering He com 1 it a iifrnm rc Annlc? ta nlptd tHr Mid Knuth vnrn turned from West Columbia son uiuie win meet uie lOUnCW mniaru muuluu idiniiy iyw7 department today at1 cIass of Orange Mrs Nettie Ray of Deweyville the Charles Lockhart fam Junior high school pld Hiah Knhnnl HaIH ikvaI and Mrc Tim of Runs ll i i i Wa tvinfad mil 730 pm Zale Jewelry present $03 gets you hent AMRRICANJetsyouere Educational i jthur Wilkinson and international recognl Dcna Sue Walthall t' 74V way through beauty college Phone YU 3 9771 MWrt 5 Osk Mr Wayne or Mn Deese Only the sincerely interested nieose construction in Shaw Park Addi tion 9x12 SEE US OR COMPLETE ARTISTS SUPPLIES USE OUR CONVENIENT REVOLVNG CHARGE ACCOUNTS NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES NON STOP TO NEW YORK NON STOP TO CHICAGO or fares and confirmed reservations call RA 2 3421 or your TTA Travel Agent 4 turned home from an Orange hospital after being a patient for several davs bath at 1514 4th St Ralph 'Newman $475 add 10 by 18 foot screen porch to house at 1212 Serving the Great SoithwMt Region BEST transtexas amM? VOUR BEST BUT Sherwin Williams Paints ORANGEIELD (Spl) C75n7irAve(i i hi 1 1 1ri i tf ar xfiv Rnrdpr St anrt ARMSTRONG VINYL ASBESTOS Reg 17c Block Now 7 Eo LINOLEUM RUG LINOLEUM $49 Sq Yd Ba THE EASIEST WAYTO LOVELIER ROOMS SUPER KEM TONE fhewoshable latex wall paint! 701 DIVISION TU 3 S4U MSMimwriv MuAMS Ot also toured Hodges Gardens near Many La McNeese Offers OPENING or roofer opplionce service man JCwowfsdge of refrigeration i laundry service required storting salary plus company bene Jits Apply in person only Gulf Stores 505 Green Win wbMU tWater Development and LHc 1 cAaS AcicdrLu ktLdgUC They attended a quarterly meet ing here also of the TWCA river authorities panel Simmons is TWCA president and also panel chairman" Installation Held SRA (Continued age ll tended the Art Museum Los Angeles They made plcted the Mid South Exccu Cinerama and many otherithe tr'D t0 take fathertive Development prog a I 1 aI I ZT Hr AAnrlmi aA nt Ai a Ct nt a cuiu wuuier uauK iu $juuwmur uiatc university in iyw pected 2000 independent agents attend the three day meet ling 'Air anti Mrs )i nrrt moo au Wil io au vuki twam in HWWI i au A A hanvinOm wet Mr nctT in lhe engineering depart ana ivir irma aggara pt for a dry storage yMru 3oHipdiiBvnjg num were iur ana Thprp wt hir an nrmn their uarenfs Mrr snd Mrs room wr me new utueicna 4 tionai ineeiinc io mrm summnr i vreiev vuvueL ai uranueifeiu iii taisuwiu ue auveutvu xui rttv Jbowhng leagues Wednesday at trical supplies which includes3 Mr and Mrs Otto Ab QA tlrt ar Vh axiE IJn AVI i cntiin nr MArlnrlonH uwvva rewtrmg (jue t0 overloading ot llAn I 0 Al rc I non nnH i circuits with a 'deadline lor Dias! tu Jane Brewer School of Dancof fnr ilrtn jthree children have returned to Bids will be accepted for in ouston after visiting Mr and 'vnrnfl Kfl fo 1 a eci vhihazi nnv ntnmR Summer Classes Candtttaned Register now for classes beginning June 1 PINEHURST Secretarial College or further Information contact Mr 3 UG Lists kvi uviivvl AO aLJIR IVIE kJV wvz Ll Cnl t) 3 (ihazI in La TaaIaam ft ft! UUHJ win Aiuvu vu uci uuuiv ui uavnoufii vao anatuuu a tvimatv ivi aj Mcvanis planning association La Miss smumon spent several: ditto machine tor SiffT plus ar iu iuecug was of the general office of corporate days in a Jackson hospital after trade in valuedat $50 viheld at the church last week 1 a 1 Wlltlll 1E1H 11 111 IflHlIVlT liri lP Hu11115 wpaKEuuu vtmvu(uimiui5 iiv ouiuc 4w Ajtners preseBiffig mas lac I firn Cin'a IUK? hot Kaam 1 'IiA RlAthnHirf f'hiic 'h at a A aa1 I Ul uie IDVdl SPI'VlCf DftJ 4t annur AypewiiLer am fnve C0C5 Wit Al if ft M4kl wv a uuiuvu 1 1 1 1 L11 1 at rf a CAmrvl rnrk I Mrs I A hrnusVAr I knri poblVon 01 assisiam io uie vicejwu oe iavng ineir vacation trade in and Beaumont Type rb proussara ananrpslfipn nf the distrihutinn 'Bible schools June 8 12 Workers isn merits ake Un th nntkt Mi ka n5 I Mr and Mrs Lnnherf DnPtief IlWra Vm Matra Tr Ur i 1 a i and son left last Tuesdav for ineannouncement wax mane is ness jmn ijewis was i zz I Ml llr ITT 'j la 4 0 Autnoruy neu nivei auukmu San Antonio River Authority np 'and the lower Colorado River antnorilV A7 Als0 represented were iexas UeCKLLllie LveCirS Water Conservation Association Only eieht davs remain fnr 'Texas Water Commission Texas 1111 nlAnaAn UAavHAnrt parents and guardians of stu ldents whose grades are nottaught within the district to make applicationjor transfer be fore the June 1 deadline Application for transfers maybe made at the countv superin office on the third flnnr of the Orange County Court 1 house I Applications must be made be Bv District 7 i'" fore June 1 in order that the re ceivmg district is to receive the1 BUA (SP33 District 7 Ma state money for the incoming onsJroP1 throughout the Sa students according to Cnnfv Arca gathered at Supt Peddy Home Builders Name Speaker BEAUMONT (SpD James A Baker of San Antonio" president! BaS association of Home Builders wilLbe the prin inal srumL AE xJa nt of the Sabine Arcaliome eib Association Members will convene afthe lying Chef Restaurant at the' Jefferson County Airport In ad aition to beinp tnn avomiKva the state home builder group! Baker is one of the best known i Texans in the residential con 1 struetjon industry MALE HELP WANTED 32 PHARMACIST WANTED ive day week no Sundays 5700 month starting oov Excellent chance to advance due to expansion program ir See Joe Wlldomson Henke amily Center WANTED Cob drivers must be 21 or older Apply Yellow Cob Co 410 4th St the Antioch Baptist Church here Leu ahAia Atzyftrft Anmiel ZCX CUUJ XUi ViJUU riliUl fllLUUOi installation and workshop ses sion Masons from Orange Beau mont Port Arthur Buna Wood ville Silsbee and Jasper were in ouivinvn duiuisuu A A 1 i Dr oi urangc servea as niasLci ceremonies Principal speaker for the cipai ot waido Matnews nign 1 School in Silsbee The Lily of the Valley Chap ter of Royal Arch Masons was host for the meeting The Royal i al tii aren iviasuiis are ui rrmuu nuu affiliation nniHmnnpmpnt homes8 or Kindergarten San Antonio has Ltiei I NEWTON (SpD Commence pated in extensive land develoo mcnt exercises for the Newton ment in both areas kindergarten will be held tomor Baker is a partner in a home ai Newton building firm at Gonzales and111 SchooL is also associated as a compo The Pr0ara IS n' nont I dercarten Commun tv Heiners i tonio Houston and Daiias 'I Prma DeLayne Ba snnftnixftM aa i hi me was arranged by a committee wuipumur zeto ot ur Mrs Prentis Dillard and fam ment at Houston He was pro an oi gamza room or the new cafetcria Bids C1 aus from Orange' and Mr and Mrs to engineer in charge ini31ona3 meetinS to form summer jq wji be accepted for elec DoSuot at Orangefield ne was eievaieu io super school Twirling corps members McLEWIS (Spl) Lurla ShutetCity The counlcs arid their chil visor of rates 'nnd contracts W1 1 1 nnm nof a (nr nrtcif iaml In 4hA i i Ilin A rlic 4 i Ki ia I ilUI UIU A A a UlOli 1UUUUH Visiting recently with Mr and operations there in 1958 AVON Will stleet and train neat appearing women for profitable full or part time work Write Box 3256 Port Arthur Tex LAKE CHARLES Reg istration for night school classes nl MfAJflaca QqIa 11 vvwv uiaic WJU 8:30 pm with classes sched uled to begin June 10 and con Aii ci asses wi meet in 'ii Rttfonaikn''' nUx an cuHUHivnea ciassrooms two rlesignations also were wwv fmm tn 01? nntprt Mn RnvI a WeK irom6c30 10 Slo jPm Courses are open for credit 1 or noncredit All are credit hour courses Courses to be offered on Mon day and Wednesday nights in clude 1 i composition American history and introduc tion to psychology On Tuesday and ay nights courses will inrlnrie man BOOKS YOU All THfWAY! convenient Starliners to Dallas on the dot connections with American '77 inland Mr and Mrs Vernon 1904) according to Eflcyclopae jman Library Swope Park Mu James amj rhiidrftn dia Britannica inicipal Stadium and Jhe airport Insurance Agent a To Attend rank Manchac local insur i ance agency owner will leaventL tomorrow to attend the annuelr 6p ntfnrH 8T by 'convention of the Texas Inde lp' The class proph pendent Insurance Agenjs It Xill tS nirJsch001 evens and reading of Conservation District Trinity'7i ue at the Rice clippings There were 51 River Authority Brazos River Hotel Houston and an ex ppmgs' inere Were 51 rm River Authoritv BUS OPOETUNITIES CAE OR SALE kl Orang prlcM reasonable Phon TU 4 9B70 or TU 6 12M TEXACO dMlenhlp avallabM In Or one Phono YU 3 WS colled Port 1 Arthur UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Service station irst Sendee Station In Texas on IH IS from Louisiana Shell Products inancial aeststancs TE 4424 Beaumont A1IO lalVlvaOC lilllJJO Asalso was matched by a new highParen3s includes $6 for school A aaa nan jaa C19 Iai 0A31AHV rtAV 111 licit beueb $Ov7SUtUt or a gain of 10 per cent over the $73899144 fpr the previous year Earnings per share were $140 also a new high based on 3492 787 shares outstanding This is over the $118 per share for the previous year based on 3449731 shares outstanding and adjusted to reflect stock dividends on the Class common stock Company President Ben Lips hy reported now has 352 stores in 39 states a gain of 59 units since April 1 1963 The company also added 1001 stock holders in 35 states" Lipshy at frihllf rrt thio Cain fft a GimnAecfnl ctw WUlkl VV UUVVLOlHIU secondary stock offering of 151 ixx charftff resignation is effective May' 31 1 cepted for Boyd Hal Currey high school bi ology teachers errell Russell who was employed as math from Orangey Port A acner at Iast board meet Beaumont Vidor c3ec3ine3 to accept the posi Groves and Bridge City Hamil ton announced that the next I granted six meeting is scheduled June 11 at an? sponsor to? 1 I attend thfi rnperlparinre caKaaI Jk 1 pm ai ma iivme Ikt twuxovo wm wiciuue man He also said a state honey Nacogdoches Expenses will beiagement principles in business beS inspector wih be in this the cheerleader fundi administration survey of En area the week beginning June persons iv Iglish literature analytic geom and will be available for Ur hims reported negotiations' etry and American government to owners of beehives been under way with Gole More information and summer Rolfe architects hired to school bulletins may be obtained uiaigu me proposea elementary i oy contacting Dr Bryneschool and gymnasium He ex I coordinator of night schoolac plained that there was one phase tivities Pinehurst Lorn Spl) Elmer' rinnalJ Wavn nnKnox is inPolk ffT vl Thre" hoard poltcifespSfn fc fllnxirMal nt SMV wv VVV nOCCAW AM 1IX A rii 1 wl ITT Mmnr A Hncn tal in mo oevunu reaaine were 5 Tr on dinvers education nmtn am Kansmt fitv I Mir laHeSanV Tam heart Tttoc childn from STARKS (Spl) The senior jav £fhn nn Rose Meek Kenny Mouton 'Knox and family were there a of HIgh School re Pamela Ann Neal Ginger New eariy last wees ano nave re uc puuutMjuuy reuirneu um a uue uay man John Patton Cathy Pow turned tills weekend i use 01 the school cafeteria with tour of Kansas City' plannedell Jeanne Primeaux Brenda Holiday guests of Mr' and tees to defray the expenses by the Kansas City Southern iSue Rowe Rogers Van Ausdale Mrs A James Jr included Railways Co iSkien Janis Ann Smith and her parents Mr and Mrs Ar 'jr5t composer to Points of interest on" the tour Dena Sue Walthall thur Wilkinson and Otis' achieve International recogni included the home of former Mrs Harold McEwin and Mrs Mitchell and children Vinton tl0n was Antoni Dvorak 184L president' Harry Truman Tru Buster Daniels teachers vite the public to attend instructions 37 HARVEY PRINCE now toothing piano or appointment call TU 3 3108 JON CONDER 6M MJM Leuene piano voice organ theory and TU 3 OM TU 3 nn SCHOOLS 3S RETARDED children can be helped Training facilities tor retarded chll dren from preochool age to young adulthood or Information call TU 1914 or TU 4 7140 inancial $300 per month in June and Julv Nl frh Cnnrsoa iMildred Mareeaiix a senior whn graduates this year was em ployed to work with Partick ati $125 monthly Mrs Mary JaneTl a Ravhurn was emninvoH tn work Jield June 9 from 630 to part time in the business of assaEsassaBssssssassi Announcements NEW YORK i or CHICAGO auu uay oi ocaumonc PEARCE INSURANCE AGENCY RfpreenHng THf tEAVHERS INSUANCt CO Phone TU 3 2621 ALL KIND JNSUSANCI Members of the SA TwifK l1n zxmattc row UH 'Uin ai iue onuge vny i a wauftv ami auj AHU 4118 I Christian Church according for the tMirhngMrs Jamcs Bond PR 9 1901 Marvin Wright from Bridge iCrnnAi invirlintr Mme fYinmhnrc i tff ruirrr ni i i mt 'vt 1 1 ma ill wa ot a ee I (VcV DCUIUIU OUJHll million 1 it A 1 iwf' ve 'j uini lai Evening services will be lis iw compete for positions in the of Buna was guest of her sisteridren enjoved a fish frv i 1 fwtrl errniin zhiviftri Ikx mi 1 missed Siinriav a he dnuie on bunaav ilinn dnv at iwirlina nomn 1 MrvBOT A 4 A ft WOT A OT OT A I UU WA 17 11 AAA ft OT LUI Aft LJ I vilv Vriii lauciii mj utcu mr luuci a Rrn fVtft knoinlaiiArili'l 4 services at the high school be obtained by contacting heart condition Members of St Henry's Par Allan amsey mrector oi col Ish 7 Auxiliary who returned) ge information at SA home late Sunday from a three day cursillo at a Catholic church ueaumont were airs ueorge rri i i Meet I hursaav xui 3 li viHHtjdUA) vmvacuna cihu iiiaiiy Ikfftc UIamzI I YYrinpiTlfT rtf fVilnt Inf Pnhhv larkcnn whn rananflviNoches nf Plirohas I Rpnisfrnfinn Mr LMnrtariror4s rl i With them moved to Houston entered Or iingAgents will be held Thurs jat the Old irst Orange Baptist' and Mrs Roger Tandy) ange memorial nospitai bun guay ai uyu pm ai me jack xaruiurcn was neia this morninm! Ohuj uiuuier day for tests and treatment Orange House The book Lite De sistei' in law Mr and Mrs Also a patient at Orange Me Members Garth Newsome will be taught to fc S' from Carrollton morial Hospital is Hyn John Thorn and Merle Laws morrow morning to the ladies' t0 this week? oi the WMb at 10 am at the Old irst Orange Baptist Class ot 1941 Miurvn nev Honri wi hn 4 teaching the book The newly organized WMS aicircle Will meet in fha Vnunnl vmife i nenw statements arrrirrtina RalMbh Mnn nf RrW Citv tul jieei wim iwq oearooms anil one a i WM2 dWdlllHI 21 LUliUdLl LU Ul cr tir 1W 103US QI HU U1IT IU UJC AUiBetiJLJo Wh ite ji*zj f(xitbalkfield at $6 perloadwiLhl beth Hospital in Beaumont Rm Mattnnln1X ci VI dlllieilCltr Mrs Charles Nicks has re Aa arAart am rraJA I Catherine Bell a $100 OT OT tnv OT vwOT ol a ocmes nr a jiis i me grounds Kvte Construction Co offered irst Baptist Jane Granger Irma Spillmon librarian ata P8 S1X yards' Thomas $1000 by Vmton High School is still con i The Orange Stationary Co(at 145 pm in toe home of Mrs 24 feet to front of house for liv iwas awarded a contract for a Ilulue nuimiuu mm mh St ftAftftkiftA tioo" Mine A general WMU meeting room vtsnino rncnnriv unth uuviuiiuim uivit in ijuti I UHULV AMI uuiiuaj vwmi nU rtHU Will nrpsnnf 9 rrvifal nn 1 1 1 a 1 It' ot it i ot te ot ft rxee aom At a re rv OT re tevftOTft I KI VM ft 4 Aftft More informal and details 'mMSl foMS'Jn dSer? Mlnd fermd to tiTe corporate planning Hgh of ting fix Mm Cassie Norwood and other i ivirsr nicnnrn rnnnn anri nn uepdLuiitui nvie hi uroo i a OTm lures uu me dimeui iieiu wiui i innnBX nw 0 las where they attended a ll) office house Sunday afternoon honoring day training course at the West i Tntp 'n Howard nre dler new daughter imlawT Mrs? ern AutoJieadquarters The'ee DHoward pre BjUeaud Picketts plan to oben a Western q59 from Mrs Nell Duhon is in' Lake Auto business recently vacated Bridge Citv Camber of paries with Mrs Jules Snatic Joe Burke who is movmg to Bridge City Chamber Ebner White of Houston is duent att(mPlf t0 Provida a spending several days in Vinton control system in front of the HHarmo Jias He said that its sad it takes whe she spent several weeks Thomas Reddick of New 0r 'a make the highwaylwith her brother in law and sis ti aware of the trafficterMr and Mrs Phil Gupton Jerday at 2 pm in the He is emnlo vZi hv an oil hazards He referred to the re lThey a weekend in Mis Cemetery in fields La tor npai wPw Orleans cent death of aBridge City stu souu wiiii an aunt ihts Marie TheiPhte Coleman 69 brother of) Thp 11 Mouton family de wihin blocks of the and a Reese ntfrUKIrs Nettie Rav of Dew evv file Ua kAiAA AZHnnmr hinh srhonl (Henderson ily both have new homes under He pointed out that the citi 'vyrXSa neipuu det uie speuu iu uiCj'' area's'and indicated an indif Winfree at Baytown and visited ference to the problem at Winnie while en route have a good reason and strong borne argument why the speed limit Mr and Mrs Philip a should he rertured and if we let and Mrs Harmon visited ot otototot OT OT OT OTWI Maud Thomas a patient at St Elizabeth Hospital in Beaumont reas fiscal year ended March 31 as western States General Agency profits rose to $4876111 from! insurance coverage tor football the $4070978 reported a year students and regular students ago The insurance plan paid on vol This oeak increase in earnings unteer basis by the 1 in net sales totaling $80943464 coverage tor nour cov erage auu wr looioaii coverage The school will pay for football coverage New personnel approved last i rh wflrrt Ph tl ac IT Crtm ft biology teacher Mrs Bullard I daughter of Mr It 9 and nnrna ill at to a CALLED MEETING 0 Madison Lodge No 126 A AM Tuesday May 19 700 pm for work In A degrees AH visiting brethent eord tai ly A Oaden WM Husbandec refory PWSONAl THE Information Center of ttio Or ange council on Alcoholism I open Monday Wednesday and riday from 9 am to 12:30 pm and by We have a loan library for vour use 606 Elm St Phono TU 3 4532 or TU3497 2 ALCOHOLICS 4 Anonymous mootings every Monday and riday nmqs 800 om at 1M4 yih St SPECIAL NOTICES 14 LEARN to swim in heated pooL fols i lQ grandmothers Phane TU beauty shop $20 par fe manent $10 permanent $750 $10 permanent $625 other $5 TU 3 2679" BUILDING OR BUYING? Don't settle for aimost dream home Insist on Total Electric Gold Medal lion Home or full details ask your contractor dealer or call Gulf States Employment SALESMEN AGENTS 30 a Opening or RETAIL APPLIANCE SALESMAN With largest appliance dealer In Sa bine area We offer a guaranteed Income with excellent commission plan Must be aggressive neat and 'willing to work hard for future advancement Apply In person Gulf7 8 EMALE HELP WANTED 31BOOKKEEPER CASHIER1S tr 35 high school gtaduafe neat appear ance apply Liberty Loan 510 ront Orange Honey Bee Club Studies Problems BRIDGE QTY (S pl) The" by ue3 30 Honev Bee Club last nisht stud rances Thurman whose ah 1 fi a will led the grading of honey dis eases of beeshQwtocare for bees and effects of insecticides on honey bees at a meeting at the home of Hamilton Some 21 persons attended DALLAS ft ft Vinton BrCity I CandidatcsTile iCityBuilding Mr Ruby Kimball JU TSitorl iiki in acurui uir couulv uliei imxu suiuuiLdiELeiLH acunminE OT OT I OTM I Iotot OT OTI OT VI St) I I A nfl Mrs I a a if A te SOI IOl UOuv aCrtrS BDQ I UI ILA yLl I 7 Cmurert ftMMinAA DIQ5 aDQ BpCCulCallOuS or bwHiiiHins durani in'aa A A famA acauisition o( tieht of Ane 'atcasieu rarjsn ronce Simmons Construction and i ua Aot ft iki 1Jury nas not UKen a stana i otot! LototA A ot £otot naT LAV LLJC7 LUU11L IC LUir 'OTOTOTOTOT UotototA ot Aot VitOTh'M UUUU1V IftU UI 1 UI £11 L11U1 Of Campaigns Three more countv candidates 'Permits was issued by the Qty iWay toe countv toe con Jury has not taken a stand in ibursday in west Calcasieu Port Arth forihave fiW PPleiBental cam cording to toe iW Px me county ine co fSV(r tbe restoration of $15 Cameron Hospital in 01 weekly building inspection office Rppistation beean yesterday ithroughout the summer Dro '3 6 10: Aug 3 7 10 14 17 21 struction cost would be A5" hk imi to xlThe child weighed 6 nounds Haworth Gen otIf i otot otC 4k ot ototbot a i ot ot rprinrt ot i ft i a ft otot ci trvszk1 hu TRa Ciorn ototot ww ot i afI 'm jprtbe annuasummer swim gram lortnose a rears oapu ana fffrTBntrnued ounces cording to Sallie razier chief jiing program "sponsored by' up Classes are scheduled fori Senior Lifesaving 6:45 am' Aa yet unsolved is the prob iWatpraw ininrnvmn nrandnarents are Mrs 'Sidnev yitllout winng and Kt Tie Orange C(5tlfiTTVhapteriaaQirteft 8 12 15 19 22 The''UaderJ yester of Edgcrly Mr anil Adut Swimmers 6:45 a day (Airs A ivy acroggs 01 a 7 'I A andidato for cnnstahU in Pre Registration will be conducted mers advanced swimmers ju june 3 July oLthe state before construction The action waj (aken cbarles I The Graybar Electric Co 1 filS Additional st the chapter house 908 Pine ni0Ii Me saving and senior Me a nd 2731 can begn TTiis is noted as Parfch Police Ju yl The Rev Dan Perogo pastor Beaumont was awarded a con newsDaDer advertising A iioeeAe win fiiiod saving i the responsibility of the nmiH nwi tract of SIO110 for lighting ofiil56 newspaper advertismg 'L um' Advanced swimmers djstncL "men urged ftouisiana Kept and a pucai rally speech i Uli a IM unite sron vcui new cmiuc avauctMiv AUg 3 7 10 14 17 nl! 1 jasis announced Mrs Helen parents which is particularly Monroe publicity chairman Ipertinent to parents of begging' Tecna2e' Beginners 6:45 rUwArrvrJrJllzx The free classes which wHl swimming students is a Mmiam June 1 5 8 12 15 19 Aug JLCWCy VUiC ie held at the Orange Municipalntltled Johnn 14 17 21 and 24 28 Tqv Pool will be taught by au 'Sw'ini Mrs Monroe pointed Teen age Intermediate 6:45 nWYVn I ihorizod Red Cross Water out 1 he film will be shown a une 2W ul EWEY LLE (Spl) Mrs i vtraneMiav at aj Dm at inc a ukmmhi auvnt anam diviy i 7 juiy xu i oti i i coni nueci imDrovpmnnr rn rrw Beginner classes will be held? Tcenrage Swimmers 6: ja dvSabine Neches Waterways from! LThls fd shows the Ped a July 13 17 2(b2427 31 hJ rs Buddthe 1965 budget when contro 1 Al lien lit illtH 1 III LCilVlLUJK UV Alio i OTOTOT OTn OT OT 4 OTA ft ft OT ft ft 1 ft ft OT ft 4 4 ft eft ft 1 ft ft janiitfi a auu uiatvva junior LUCSaVing CAI) am in nnrrn nr nc viirs hi iioiuc inn $: to none which can supplement thei Water as swimming instruction at" iiinn wi iiiiv iniv rto ft rlkArKS IV i BRIDGE CITY (Spl) 14 11 anu Parish Auxiharv will1 £he sv mming program! bwimmmg team 7:45 and iney were accompanied dv MroppoSB construction of the tai in Houston Tim Wai er kru aux scheduled at tne mumcoal pool am for the full three and Mrs White of Or iuliaai hriHrt rta 'P1 Houston 11m Walter a for the three months in i months ange rmv iniAra ti iM alsc ln ArHursday from 10 afri to 2 tAssembly lines 8t45 tD The nritth grade school Ax3lt A ft ft I OT OT ft UOT 4 ft 1 A OTft ft 4 ft 4 I OT a Ort ft a ft 1 ft OT 4 ft ftf rtlli 1 1 ft I ft 1 at th KnihtS Of Columbus zuuu utj ain am wun ov anu auu utma ui ueweyvnie nigii ociKxn nn West Round Bunch Road on Juce July 1 ing to 15 each week through spent Saturday at the Vidor The price is $1 2i for adults and 15 17 24 27 31 (July 27 The 10 12 year olds at pool They were accompanied by so nni5 Mr ehiirtron The Adult Intermediate 5:15 8:45 am: 8 9 year olds 9:25 teachers and adults le invite Ihrnneh the nresc tniam June zz zt June zv juiyam attend i I Camp ire Girls classes eyville School "spent Saturday at An enlistment sanctuary cho'r I i 7 a to 12:15 pm June Lake Tejas accompanied by party will be held Thursday at! bailll JjamnS'Sel' t3 adults and teachers au 1 Anvancpn Rnnmnrrx Q10 aftr ot4ot i ot ot ot ooy pm Hl ui? new munipui i A It Mai 1 vmri tu 4 vi ttiiKeinf fhp ppnPral nffiro nf CAr nnrafA rtivs in JaMrnn hnc SSSi estx ft ft ft ft OT ft tlrtX I IIHI i lie I MIM II LAW ftpnn 1 IP I IV I ftl II 1 1 VI 1 AUft IototA A per will be served New officers statoliege 7ne Bickers promoteJ't the crea and toe irst Baoto Church Supply for WhZara and the Voun8 JIard are to be elected Those inter a 11fL anrt11jji cim a 1 re siting Jew Orleans innsitinn nf assistant tn thn will Ha havinff thnir VflrAtinniiMue i Womens Circle served refresh pstnri in hnrnminp a memnr nt luo mis a nroussara i toe choir are mvited io Intermediate 11 12 ageJMrsCecile Carv were in Lake re I With 3 tuirling esmn June arnun 90 thrnnah lulv oi trtzvMr alotot tot i iQivision uuesis OI iT HliU nils oo uvvi UIC WtfVM'HU GeQraeJ2iincarL JrareheriinEpin 2 ele arid aunt Mr and Mrs' rank Duncan of Chatham La A fellnwshin 3 ami a bandamp July l3 PP: 7 Jacks will serve as instructors rn a Rev Bedford Smith minister I they visited Mrs Boudreaux there Mrs Stansel and Mrs Ray Granger and their children accompanied Mrs a mother Mrs Moore Sr to Kilgore recently and visited Dr and Mrs Eugene Sherman at Longview They also enjoyed a dinner at the lake home at Longview Jones choral program in se rS Jac Cornell is ill at nior high junior high school and grades 5 and 6 Mrs a i el and Curtis Horn and Stubbs of Wortham English I visited last week with teacher for senior high and jnd Majitm Phillips Thomas Earl Hawkins daughtcTrT at LMkm They Groesbeck junior high English Billy Patrick was employed to direct the summer program and to work with the Bridge City Youth Recreation Association at Pleasure Island show toe slides i Earlier this year President' Johnson eliminated funds fnr eral "days the 1965 budget when contro Obituaries Pate Colcinaii DEWEYVILLE (Spl) neral services were held yes in ields La fori Cemetei 4rz wc feral Contractors of Orange $31 lou rK ac2 '750 without wiring and to Salhe rayer chief Clark general contractors of deputy clerk I "A Lot ot ot 1 TototV 1 TrttU SOTrOTOTiftJi 4i i i nage ciry i uwu viumn ueimeu Mrs Alvy Scroces of a ei fiV J' Thft Gravbar Electric Cn nt omnuaic nn vuiumgu in tr ine action was taxen Dy tneiV4ilco I 'TV ot i which urged Louisiana Reo A Ashton Thompson to sup rI OT ft ft 13 OTOT ft TO OTOT otI ft 'dine filament mounted on twol seeding iunus tor me construe 1 vei ft vre nc? nr ft nnrt 111 i ter 1 1 ri 1 1 11 ir le irer non oi a nxea span onage V1 vou6c Tlu ra i ifthfti ftiiz4ftr rpApntanve sain the rnmnanv I wiMa RahncaH ic a guarantee for all com Houston tor medical treatment puviu paiu iui unee yvaia win remam rnerp for i mas were me uenerai iuecinciranriidaLOT fnp rnHntv di A nic 1 7 7 VVAMAft UVMW 4HU4JM4M Mfr 4 Holds Rei i ion nr rv V1HV1UU4 IU lOUil neiu riign ocnooi neia a week ana Airs jun nay ui duiw end class reunion at the ele He died Sunday at 9:50 pm mentary school" 'in a Lake Charles hospital Stewart was mast'' of' uneral services were under ceremonies and Mrs Req lbe direction of Hixson uneral lone of the class teachers was of Lake Charles guest of honor Mrs Rees was We have all the latest colors MP1R X'ft pAA Mfr VUV VMVAfr AMA VHMVH ftna liLJW $4113 lUUiUHIUj Orange House The book Life De Mr and rs Members Garth Newsome will be taueht tn Tandy from Carrollton i ftM i fn 4k otU will present the program ba 1 Permits issued are listed as follows: Labor Local No 853 $1000 repairs to office at 211 John Ave Elgene Casey $400 ply wood paneling work at 1407 rru a no iriea ra snaarn aiam uewev scoit aiouuu announced that slides of the auueuc neia mauaea Holv Land will be shown at the' bgh ting fixtures with quartz 10 total to construction ot a nw tnre neo iwiy Lainu wui oe snuwn ai me 4266 with S10 in donations noted brick frame home with Allen (Buck) Patillo unop two car garage central heat posed candidate for constable in I and air conditioning at 906 Bur Precinct 3 listed $12 additional I ton Ave expense bringing his total to Dan Duran $2000 add 4 by ftT ft ft ft 4 ototot ft 1 ftA ft ftl i ft ft A a ft 1 ft ft a it? uuuauww writ ii3vvu i iu leei io rear oi noube ana la Other suhmihng "James "A "Morris unopposed bv 20 feet to garage and re iria umra Ina Cannrnl Klantrirl rr ot ot OTftUftOTvir 1 zy i a vduuiudte wr cuuuiy ana ais 1 roonnff at 3U6 Amarvius bt: 10 a pauenijouppiy vo oixMMuiium attorney listed no eddi Mnc ThAmac stmirh Mr 'and Mrs'lll McCuHXS' 5 lough are soending the wrekendS? 1 J'2 mU110nof Mr and Mrs Wesley Gran i dustrial Supply Co of Port Ar ted only the fllin" Travis Clark "$100 partial in New Orleans I 6 Mrs Blanche Peveto is i thur $8 723 without the i repairs at 4425 Gladys Mr and Mrs A Rheel backed by hospitalized at rances Anniand Electric Co caaddaswi remmn tojAve Emanuel Taylor $3500 spnt the weekend in Dall im0St aLutoher in Orange Mrs an4ridge Cit 1 T'build to occupy 700 square spun uneewuw in Mdiidb er8 the Sabine Neches area Lu wrHin i Hermann jpense statements to' rp i Anrt nne and They were accompanied by Mr OOOOS(l the construPtinn nf at Raleigh Mann of Bridge City the records wh argument why the speed limit ue reuucea aim we iet it dip? it will Bp a prpariniiisHrp Sunday afternoon 'W i Mrs ll 1 ot i ft! ot 4 ft A ot A A DALLAS Zale Jewelry me children school and com Co Inc renorted a 20 ner he declared a MS Y' 1 rL 1 I I 'L jx xr 4ft VI A 1 I ti '51 KZ fl ft I A ft ft Vt I Lt 5 ft A I i ft 0 I 1 54 KiWIIWUllfflroii I Ti I MTM 1.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.