The Hebron Journal-Register from Hebron, Nebraska (2024)

NEBRASKA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Hebron VOLUME Ten Pages Hebron. Thayer County, Nebraska, Wednesday, May 12, 1 1948. HEBRON HIGH GRADUATION ACTIVITIES RACCALAURFATE SERVICE OPENS WEFK-LUTHER HALL SCENE OF EVENTS Graduation exercises for the Hebron High School will begin with baccalaureate services which will be held at Luther Hall this Sunday, May 16 at 8 p. m. Ralph Dyer will deliver the address.

Honors convocation on the following Wednesday and commencement exercises at Luther Hall' at 8 p. m. on May 19. Dr. W.

P. Hieronymus. president of Midland College will give the commencement address. Forty seniors are in this year's graduating class. Roberta Kraft- -Valedictorian Ardith Heine-Salutatorian The remaining members of the class are: James Bailey Joseph Bruce Edward Burbach Mirza Corliss Earnest Correll Verna Dankenbring Eliner Egbarts Glenn L.

Evers Hazel Fry Donald George Dale Goeking Patsy Hagen Darlene Hasselbring Donna Horst Wilma Ireland Evelyn Kerns 'Hilda Krueger Herbert Marsh. Jr. Jim McDermet Stephen McKenzie Donald Miller Beverly Pearson Frank Pohlmann Lorena Posey Louis Rauner Bob Richardson Lila Schutz Robert E. Schutz Hazel Sykes Gwen Thompson Jo Anne Ernest Wiedel Shirley Ann Werner Eugene Wiedel Thomas Wiedel Marilyn Wilken Eldon Willems Leora Willems Joyce Willmore I Jerry Ziegler W. L.

DITTMER BODY TO BE RETURNED KANSAS CITY, MO. MAY-. Accompanied by appropriate military escort, the body of the late Pfc. Willard L. Dittmer which arrived May 6th at the port of New York aboard the United States Army Transport Lawrence Victory, will be for-warded at a later date through the American Graves Registration Distribution Center here to Bruning, Nebraska, for final interment.

Next of kin. August W. Dittmer, Bruning, Nebraska was apprised in advance of the return of the remains and again will be notified in advance at the time the remains are to be forwarded from this Center. From two to three weeks will elapse after arrival of the transport before the Distribution Center is in position to forward any the remains to final destinations. The Lawrence Victory carried remains of 4,183 Americans who lost their lives during World War II and were returned, at request of next of kin, from temporary military cemeteries at Epinal, Ste.

Mere Egliss, LaCambe and St. Juan, France. Of that number approximately 300 are to be forwarded to final destinations through the Kansts City Distribution Center. Under the program for final interment of World War II dead, next of kin may elect to have remains returned to the United States for burial in a private or National cemetery, or may request interment in a permanent American military cemetery or a private cemetery in a foreign country. Funeral representing next of kin: H.

W. Hinrichs. Bruning, Nebraska. HORACE LINDSEY DIES AT EVANSTON, ILL. Horace Lindsey died at a hospital in Evanston.

Ill. Monday, May 3. He was stricken with a severe pain April 17th. When operated upon, a perforated stomach ulcer was found. He was apparently recovering, but suf-; fered a heart attack April 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Picha and Ronald. Herman Kreinbring and Mary ou, Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Worm, and Mr. Henry Othling returned home last week from Sidney where they attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kreinbring, Sr. er NUMBER 16 MR.

MRS. JOHN WEBER 49th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. John Weber were pleasantly surprised on Sunday evening in honor of their 49th wedding anniversary which was Monday, May 10th. Those present de were: Mr.

Mrs. John Schmidt, Mr. Mrs. Barnes Meyers, Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Naiman, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Froscheiser, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiedel, Mr.

and Mrs. Alvin Wiedel, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wiedel and daughters. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Melander, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hasselbring, Mr. and Mrs.

Ray Weber and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Walter White and daughters. evening spent cards, after which lunch was served. HOME EX.

CLUB MEETINGS IN PAST WEEK THREE MEETINGS HAVE REEN HELD--TWO ARE SCHEDULED NEXT WEEK During the past week three of. the seven home extension club centers have had fine meetings! in observance of National Home Demonstration Week. Close to 125 women attended the Deshler meeting, May 4, in charge of the group chairman, Mrs. Walter Struve. Tue Struve Appliance cooperated in this meeting and furnished a home freezer demonstration.

The Hebron center had their! meeting May 5, with Mrs. Leo Fels in charge. Mrs. Leopold, of the state extension office was guest speaker. Miss Betty Nacke favored the guests with two vonumbers.

She was accompanied by Mrs. Francis Helget. On Friday afternoon, the Bruning Clubs had their meeting at the Legion Hall with Mrs. J. Hi Henkel presiding.

Special music was given bv Thos. Hawks and Mrs. F. E. Flessner with Mrs.

Rudolph Collison accompanying them. Mrs. Geo. Maulik of Belvidere told interesting things pertaining to her trip to the National Home Demonstration Council meeting in W. Virginia.

Among the outstanding stops was that at Mount Vernon. Mrs. Maulik was one of 37 Nebraska home extension, members who made this trip by bus The Bruning guests enjoyed looking over the display of old china, glass, silver, books and clothing. On the evening of May 19, the Belvidere club will entertain at a similar meeting. On the afternoon of May Chester and Hubbell clubs will feature a demonstration by Mr.

Benton of the extension poultry department. Mr. Benton will prepare chicken for the. locker or oven. PETERS--LIGHT Mr.

and Mrs. August Peters of Chester wish to announce the marriage of their daughter. Bettv Marie to Mr. Don Light of Chester. Rev.

Yemm, pastor of the Presbyterian Church Belleville, Ks performed the single ring ceremony, April 25th. 1948. The bride was attired in a powder blue tailor styled suit with black acseccories and a corsage of pink carnations. The matron of honor Miss Birdene Oeltjen, friend of the bride, wore an aqua dress with black accessories. Wilbert Pepple, friend of the groom served as best man.

Mrs. Light is a graduate of the St. Paul. Nebr. High School.

The groom is a graduate of the Munden. Kansas High School. He served in the armed forces for three vears and is an Clayton Peterson Oil Company. The newlyweds spent a wedding trip in the Ozarks. DOG LICENSES COMING IN Chief of Police Young states that 74 dogs were killed last year.

Also that 139 license tags were issued. That means only a- bout. one dog to every nine people in town. A fair percentage Of course, there were some evaders of this census. City Clerk Peters reports that up-to-date 42 tags have been issued for the year 1948.

Get yours today. PHIL E. BROWN ELECTED NATIONAL ANGUS ASS'N. Phil E. Brown of Hebron, Nebraska, has been elected to membership in the American.

Aber-: deen-Angus Breeders' tion at Chicago, announces Secretary Frank Richards. Mr. Brown was one of four purebred Aberdeen-Angus Breeders from Nebraska elected during the past: month to membership in the organization. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Foster of Ellis were here over the weekend visiting relatives. Hebron High School Latin Class Has Unique Party Recently Ed. Note--The following story has been missed for two weeks in this paper. Due to its unique features we feel it was worthy of publication the first week. But it was just one of those things.

Our apologies to the instructor, Robohm and the students. Ye ed waded through First year Latin; also Caesar, Cicero and Virgil. Waded is the word. "Et tu, Brute!" The Latin department of the Hebron High Schoolheld a Latin Banquet in the Home Ec. dining room Wednesday evening, April 21, which was the anniversary of the founding of Rome.

The dinner was carried out in typical Roman style. The guests met in the assembly where the servants took their shoes and put sandels on them. Mr. Mrs. Strumpler 55th Anniversary AIr.

and Mrs. Herman Strumpler will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Mav 16th with a family dinner at noon. Open house will be held in the afternoon from 2 to 5 for. all relatives and friends, in their farm home, five miles northwest of Hebron. CHICKEN DEMONSTRATION WAS HELD MAY 4 On Tuesday afternoon.

May 4 representatives from Hubbell and Chester met at the home of Mrs. Walter Torring in Chester to plan the home extension program for May 20. This will be held at the Chester Auditorium beginning at 2 o'clock and an invitation is extended to all. This 1s one of six home extension meeting being held in the county in observance of the third annual National Home, Demonstration Week. In addition to some local numbers, a film will be shown giving an excellent demonstration on the preparing of fruits and vegetables for freezing.

Mr. Ralph Benton, extension poultryman will be there to demonstrate preparing chicken for freezing or for the roaster. You won't want to miss this program. ASK GROWERS SMALL SEED TO APPLY FIELD INSPECTOR FOR SMALL GRAIN-MAY 20 IS CLOSING DATE Growers of certified seeds are urged by C. R.

Porter, secretarv and certification manager of the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association. to get their applications for certifications of small grains, sweet clover, and brome grass to his office at College of Agriculture immediately. Forms for making application for field inspection of certified crops be obtained at the County Agents office. The closing date for small grains. sweet clover, and brome grass is May 20 in only one week from now.

"Applications should reach our office Porter said. "This year an additional fee of five dollars will be assessed on applications filed after the closing date. The certification committee of the Crop Improvement Association also reserves the right to reject applications which are filed late." August 1 is the deadline on field inspection applications for sorghums, soybeans and alfalfa. statounty Agent several Victor applications McClure have already been received at his office. He expects a large number of applications for, certification this year.

Many farmets have purchased certified seed oats and will want to certify their ifelds this year. Not only will these farmers have certified seed to sell next year but will have clean seed for their own planting. Neighborhood Club- Twelve members of the Neighborhood Club met at the home, of Ruth and Laura Armstrong April 30th. Business meeting was conducted by the president, Janice McLaughlin. The afternoon was enjoyed, being spent socially.

Door prize was won Beulah Huber. The hostesses served a lovely lunch of home made ice cream and cake, coffee and pie. Mrs. Baden asked the club to her home on the regular date, May 18th. Mrs.

Janice lin will be assisting hostess. Use a J. R. Classified ANNOUNCEMENT OF HILL-McCAW WEDDING ed as the date for the wedding Sunday, June.13 was of Miss Joy Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

R. W. Hill, to Mr. Kenneth McCaw, son of Mrs. F.

W. McCaw of Fremont, and the late Dr. McCaw, at a luncheon given at the Lincoln University Club. The ceremony will take place at the First Methodist Church in Hebron. Miss Hill is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, where she was a member of Pi Beta Phi, Pi Lambda Theta, and Mortor Board.

She is a member of P. E. O. and is at present teaching at Fremont. McCaw, a field representative for the Nebraska Safety Council, is a graduate of Midland where he was a member of W.

Y. N. Blue Key, and Pi Delta Epsilon. He is listed in "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges." THAYER COUNTY HOSPITAL ADDS EQUIPMENT Some of the furnishings for the rooms which have been here for some time have been put up. There are two chairs and a dresser in each room.

The dresser is of walnut finished metal with a large mirror and large drawers. There are two different type chairs in each room. One is a straight back chair with red leather upholstering; the other is a brown leatherette cushioned chair. The nurse's checking desk has been placed in the upstairs hall. It is white metal and about 4 feet in length, has a lamp and a stand for charts.

The nursery now has eleven metal basinettes. The dumb waiter is almost finished, and other furnishings have been installed. PHEASANT PROSPECTS GOOD TO DATE COOPERATION ASKED TO SAVE NEW CROP--NEXT 3 WEEKS IMPORTANT While pheasant prospects at the present lock much better than in the past two or three years, game biologists are not making any predictions due to many related factors which can influence the success of the present nesting season. The past two years' May freezes have been very adverse to nesting conditions and much is dependent upon the next three weeks as far as weather is concerned. Commission field men are ing the cooperation of farmers in preventing pheasant loss during nesting season through promiscuous burning of fence rows which is not only a destructive factor as far as 'as nesting success of the pheasants is concerned.

but. also proves to be detrimental to the farmer's fencing program itself as well as possible shrub and tree plantings along such fence areas. Additional cooperation is asked in the suggested use of flushing bars during the early cuttings of alfalfa, thereby protecting at least the adult birds. Commission field men are further asking the cooperation of all sportmen and in the preserving of the stomachs of all coyotes and foxes taken during this spring period. Information and materials for preserving such stomachs will be sent on request.

This preserved material is being used in a comprehensive survey by the Game Commission! to determine the food habits of predators. CHARLOTTE RICHARDS SELECTED BY TASSELS -Charlotte Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Richards, is among 31 students for membership in Tasselected, women's. pep organization at the University of Nebraska. To qualify for membership in the organization, those selected at least They must also have must have, a scholastic average of participated in other student activities. Miss Richards, who will be a sophom*ore in the College of Arts. and Sciences next fall, was graduated from Hebron High School in 1947.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dunahugh of Clyde, Kansas and their grand children came Saturday to visit their daughter and husband.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rowley and fam ily. Also their son, R. Dunahugh.

Lincoln; Cpl. Duane T. Davenport. of Langley Field, Virginia; Mrs. Rex Marhenke and Billie of Lincoln; Mrs.

J. C. Engel and Wymore; and Mr. Frank Shipman of Beatrice. C.

D. VAN CLEEF HEADS COUNTY RED CROSS Herb Marsh was the toastmaster. The servants were Russell Mittan, Larry Stephenson, Jim Rittenhouse, Virginia Andres, Inez Gerdes and Loretta Mooberry. Those taking part in were Mr. Chatelain, Lundstrom, Mary McKenzie, Russell Mittan, Margaret Nacke and Mrs.

Charles Hughes. Some mothers-Mrs. Gene Bethscheider. Mrs. William Stewart, Mrs.

Peter Bailey and Mrs. Fred Rhodes assisted in the kit-' chen. The menu was planned entirely by the class. It was authentically Roman. No silver was used at the table.

The guests used their fingers to eat, which caused great merriment. This was the first such banquet held here. We all feel it was a success and hope to make it an annual affair. Mrs. Martin Robohm is our sponsor.

HARDWARE MEN TO BE HERE MONDAY REGIONAL MEETING OF RETAIL ASSOCIATION TO MEET AT HIWAY CAFE Ralph Hawkins. president of the Nebraska Retail Hardware Association. informs us that the Regional Meeting of the association will be held in Hebron, Mondav. May 17. This includes an afternoon and evening meeting.

The afternoon meeting is at 4:00 p. m. Jack Cory, formerly of Alexandria, now Lincoln will be in charge. It will be a clinic on merchandising. The evening meeting will be at the HiWay Cafe.

starts off with a dinner program "Competitive Selling" will be in a speaker from the State University. This group comprises about 37 dealers, their ladies and any of their sales people they wish to bring. It includes the counties of Webster, Nuckolls, Jefferson and Thayer. DAVENPORT-EVANS The wedding of Miss Margie Davenport, daughter of Mrs. B.

T. Davenport of Hebron, and Frank B. Evans, son of Mrs. Floyd E. Evans of Omaha, took place at ten a.

May 8, 1948. at the Sacred Heart Church in Hebron. The Rev. C. J.

Crowley officiated at the nuptial high mass and double-ring ceremony. The altar was banked with calla lilies. White floor vases on either side of the stairs leading to the altar held bouquets of wreath. Lighted candles back of the large bouquets and on the altar, completed the decoration. Given in marriage by her brother, Charles Davenport, the bride was attended by three of her sisters, Mrs.

James Patera. I as matron of honor, Miss Betty Davenport, as maid of honor, and Miss Doris Davenport, as bridesmaid, and sister of the groom. Miss Rita Evans, as brides maid. The attendants gowns were fashioned similar to that of the bride and were in pastel shades. They carried colonial bouquets.

The bridegroom's attendants were Floyd Evans, his brother, and Duane Davenport, the bride. James Patera and Jerome Davenport were ushers. The bride's gown of white satin brocade was bouffant-skirted with a bateau neck, long sleeves, and a tunic effect flowing into a graceful train. An illusion veil fell from a crown of lace, and the bride carried a sheath of calla lilies with white sweetpea streamers. A reception was held in the Sacred Heart Church parlors for eighty-five guests.

after which the couple left for a trip to Colorado. will make home in Omaha, 'where the groom is employed as accountant for the Sinclair Oil Company. Mrs. Evans is a graduate of the Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, where she trained at St. I Catherine's Hospital.

Those from out of town included Mrs. Floyd E. Evans, mother of the groom: Mr. and Mrs. Aug- ust Stock, grandparents of the groom, Mr.

August Stock. Mr. and Mrs. B. G.

Stock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard White and Kay, Mrs.

Ollie Munch, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Evans, Miss Dolores Vampola, Mr. and Mrs.

A. Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montag, Mrs. Leo Mollner, Miss Anna Mollner, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Jershin, Mr. Joe Sandhoefner, Miss Dorothy Lastovica, Miss Rita Evans, Mr. and Mrs. James Patera, and Miss Rita Chapman, all of Omaha; Charles A.

Davenport, Phoenix Mrs. Neal Mosser and children of OVER $4,000 COLLECTED IN FUND CAMPAIGN OTHER OFFICERS ELECTED Mr. G. D. Van Cleef of Chester was elected chairman of Thayer County Red Cross at the anmeeting Friday night at the court house.

Other officers elected are: Mr. Alvin Holle, I Deshler, Vice-chairman; Mr. Laurence H. Peters, Secretary; Mrs. Charles Henning Treasurer; Dr.

Rudolph Decker, Byron, and Mr. Wayne Thompson, Bruning, directors for three years. Mrs. J. C.

Strain gave a report of the Home Service and mentioned the Red Cross Walking Blocd Bank as an out tending feature of the work this coming year. Mrs. Chas. Henning reported $3120.00 in the county treasury. Mr.

Jack Chapman announced we would have a water this summer, the date to be announced later this month. E. J. Uphoff, chairman of the fund. campaign reported that the committee had successfully completed the campaign, with virtually the entire quota for the County filled.

The following are the proceeds contributed in each precinct. Alexandria 227.75 Belvidere 163.75 232.50 Carleton 233.75 Chester 349.25 Bruning 177.49 Davenport 375.00 Friedensau 65.00 Gilead 84.15 Hebron 1,092.95 197.50 Highland 81.00 000. Rose Creek 106.00 Deshler 753.55 Total 4,210.14 E. J. Uphoff fund.

chairman and E. F. Woodard County Chair man, wish to express their appreciation to all local Chairmen and the workers for the splendid support given the campaign this year. BALL PLAYERS WANTED ON HEBRON TEAM Hebron town team will have a practice game on the local diamond. at 2, p.

Sunday: All men who are interested, will be given a chance to try out in this practice game. MRS. RUTH STEYER DIES, CALIFORNIA Mrs. Ruth Steyer age 79 years, passed away May 4th, 1948 in a. local hospital in San Diego, Calif.

She was a native of Wales. She came with her parents to the United. States when a child. She had made her home in Pennsylvania, Towa and Nebraska. She lived at Davenport, Nebr.

a good many years 'on' a farm with her husband, Asa Steyer. Later years they moved in town. She and her husband moved to Los Angeles, Calif. in 1933. Her husband has preceded her in death.

Surviving are her daughter. Mrs. Eula Golden Jamieson, the two grand children, Donald and Virgil and four great grand children. For the past year, she has been making her home with her daugh ter and husband, Duncan at San Diego 3529 India St. The final rites were conducted at the Goodbodys Ivy Chapel 11:00 a.

m. Friday, May 7th by Rev. Irwin A. Vosseler officiating. Interment was made in Live Oak Cemetery at Monrovia, California, burial being at 3 o'clock In the afternoon.

While living at Davenport, she was always an ardent worker in the Lutheran Church, Woman's Club and the Rebekar Lodge. She was a Past Noble Grand of the Rebekahs. Always a faithful worker in the lodge and other social affairs. as long as her health permitted. Since living in California.

She will be greatly missed by her family and a host of friends. MRS. J. R. JENKINS Mrs.

Louisa Jenkins age 82 passed away Saturday morning, May 8, 1948 at her home in Chester, after an illness of almost eight weeks. She suffered a heart attack March 15th from which she never recovered. She leaves to mourn, her eight children Bertie Randels of Morgan, Colorado, Mrs. Lizzie Bentz of Salt Lake City, Utah, Mrs. Mabel Bise of Ruskin, Mrs.

Alice George. of Republic, Kansas, Charles D. Jenkins of Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Carrie. Dettman of Narka, Kansas and Francis Jenkins and Roy 'Jenkins Chester, a large number grand children and great grand children and a host of friends.


The Hebron Journal-Register from Hebron, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.